MissMandyLynne's Feedback
+1 as a buyer! MissMandyLynne bought a used Volks body from me. Payment was very prompt and communication was great. Thanks so much!
+1 Nice buyer and fast payment. Perfect, thanks! grin
+1 for managing the Parabox GO. Everything went smoothly for me as a buyer smile

Forum issues?  Contact me directly at chris.fritz@gmail.com and I'll check into it as soon as possible.
+1 for running the Parabox GO. Thanks so much for doing it.
+1 for hosting the Parabox GO.

Everything went smoothly--shipping costs/fees were reasonable, and once the order reached her, Mandy shipped quickly. Thanks so much!
Currently playing:  Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the Nintendo Switch
Friend Code 2036-6707-2961 (KiraKira)
Currently reading: If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha
Last movie I saw:  Parasite
+1 for selling me her unwanted LPS pet from a Blythe pack. It was a great transaction grin
[Image: dollbbc.php?sex=girl&back=0000&friendsu=...ch=u_a1_77][Image: dollbbc.php?sex=girl&back=0000&friendsu=...&acch=0000][Image: dollbbc.php?sex=boy&back=0000&friendsu=0...&acch=0000][Image: dollbbc.php?sex=boy&back=0000&friendsu=0...&acch=0000][Image: dollbbc.php?sex=boy&back=0000&friendsu=0...&acch=0000]
+2 for 2 great tradesyay

1st trade - Mandy traded a few wigs and mini-stocks++ for my nude black Nikki Doll.
2nd trade - Mandy traded type3 body, pullip`s eyelid and some clothing items for my Pullip Clone and a doll-carrier bag.

The packages were fast and well packed. All in all I`m really happy with both trades. Happy
+1 for participating in my GO. Paid quickly smile
+1 as a great buyer, it was the second commission from me and all went great!
+1 positive, thanks for your fast payment and an easy transaction! =]
+1 for being a great buyer.

MissMandyLynne is friendly, pays quickly and always lets me know when her things arrive. Thanks for the smooth transaction. smile
Currently playing:  Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the Nintendo Switch
Friend Code 2036-6707-2961 (KiraKira)
Currently reading: If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha
Last movie I saw:  Parasite
+1- Did a trade and she was so sweet and was so easy to work with! I got my end quick and love my Ghoulia!
Purchased all of my metal doll stands and paid very quickly! A pleasure to deal with, as always!
+1 positive, always a pleasure to work with, thanks for the quick payment =]
+1 Seller - For Shoe Lot

Very quick shipping o.o I was surprised it arrived so fast. Great seller! Thanks!
Click the dolly sig to visit my Flickr!

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