Laundry Helper
[Image: 6872216937_07ae634753.jpg]

Laura: I didn't think I would, but I really like this coat. It's got a nice style to it. And I think it goes pretty well with the wig you made. You should do a photo shoot with me! I am your second newest girl. I'm behind on the picture count.

Me: I would love to, but I have to get the laundry done today.

[Image: 6872216745_0eb8430645.jpg]

Laura: Well, maybe I could help you. It can't be that hard.

Me: It's not as much fun as a photo shoot.

Laura: That's okay. The sooner you're done, the sooner you can take nice pictures of me. You know, ones that aren't taken in the laundry room, with terrible lighting.

Me: Well, okay. If that's what you want.

[Image: 6872216557_6503d55589.jpg]

Laura: Wait!

Me: What? What is it?

[Image: 6872217159_18ce4dbc69.jpg]

Laura: You totally forgot the fabric softener.

Me: I was getting to it.

Laura:Sure you were. You just don't want to admit that you were going forget it.

[Image: 6858332305_a174675de8.jpg]

Me: Okay, the machine is all loaded. I have some time before I can put in the next load. If you want we can go take some pictures now.

Laura: I don't know. It's really cold out, and this coat doesn't have the longest sleeves.

Me:You weren't complaining before.

Laura:I know, but now the thought of going outside just seems like it would be the opposite of fun. You really should just break down and buy a photo light box. Then you could take our picture anytime, and we wouldn't get so cold.

Me: You have no idea how right you are. Well, come on, let's go get some hot chocolate.

Laura Um, still a vegan, remember. I'll just have a coffee, raw sugar, no cream.

Please forgive the hard water stains. It looked like that a month after it was installed. We have terrible, terrible water. I also took Laura's good advice and bought a light box. Yay!
Cute set of photos--they make doing laundry a more bearable task. Laura seems like she can be a handful! smile
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Last movie I saw:  Parasite
Laura is such a cutie. smile I love her hair. Adorable set of pictures.
Awesome idea for a photoshoot! I wish my dollies would help me with the laundry! xD
Tatianna (Uncanricky), Kittie (Naomi), Omega/Mini-Me (Grell), Alys (Yeolume), Priscilla (Eris), Grell (Male Grell), Nanachan (Nanachan), Sebastianne (Stica), Natalie (Natalie), Sylvie Valentine (Premium Pullip Veritas Crimson Version), Strawberry Rose (Siry), Karen (Karen), Marie (Marie), Angela (Cheshire Cat Steampunk), Alice (Optical Alice), Noir (Regen Noir), Jeanne (Jeanne)
Pullip Alura, Pullip Elizabeth Always on the hunt for Re-Ment
Thanks for the nice comments smile Laura is a handful. She likes to do what she likes to do and when she wants to do it. I think she wanted to help with the laundry so she could ride back to my room in the warm clothes right out of the dryer.

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