(10-27-2013, 11:21 PM)Missy_Crane Wrote: Bottom line: they have teeny differences but basically could be twins if Clara was given green chipsI guess someone at Groove was feeling a little lazy!
(10-28-2013, 01:05 AM)redstars Wrote: Vada - another? :o Clara/Oui'Vera was the only one I'd noticed to be that similar. Was there another?
Oh, wow, given that photo, Clara and Oui'Vera most definitely share the exact same computer file (or template) for their faceup. Groove didn't even bother changing anything about Oui'Vera's eyelashes, eyeshadow, or eyebrow color!
Other faceup template repeats -- even though they might have various negligible differences, such as eyeshadow color -- are Kiyomi and Ally, Nero and Oren, Noir and Bianca, and Mitzi and (I think Panda? can anyone confirm?). And now we can add Clara and Oui'Vera to the list.
For example, here are Kiyomi and Ally:
![[Image: 6890991875_a882e02bdd_z.jpg]](http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7064/6890991875_a882e02bdd_z.jpg)
![[Image: p103_6.jpg]](http://www.jpgroove.com/shop/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/p/1/p103_6.jpg)
Ally doesn't have the extra "wispy" painted-on eyelashes, and she has a solid line of lower eyeliner; but for all accounts and purposes, it's exactly the same faceup template. Look at the gradation of the eyebrows and the little lines near the inside corners of their eyes!
Here are Oren and Nero (from Hina's Flickrstream):
![[Image: 3724357311_e22653c00e_z.jpg]](http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3528/3724357311_e22653c00e_z.jpg)
Oren & Nero by pullip_junk, on Flickr
Here are Noir (regen) and Bianca:
![[Image: 7457449482_9273ed49a5.jpg]](http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8158/7457449482_9273ed49a5.jpg)
Re: Noir face up by pullip_junk, on Flickr
![[Image: 5454378165_65b6cca0be.jpg]](http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5132/5454378165_65b6cca0be.jpg)
Bianca by pullip_junk, on Flickr