02-21-2014, 05:34 AM
Oooh the Nightmare set is very cool. As is Luke Takamura. I love the attention to detail in them. ... now I kinda want an X-Japan set. (Could stay 80s or go more 90s and just add the others to Hide's Doubt look.) http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GQXg7JOW0i8/Ur...+PNG-1.png
Also, thank you beajjai033, and Severity. I'm sorry I missed your comments before. I love LQ's eyes! Well, everything really, except for the clothes not fitting well, but I am very happy I managed to get her.
Also, thank you beajjai033, and Severity. I'm sorry I missed your comments before. I love LQ's eyes! Well, everything really, except for the clothes not fitting well, but I am very happy I managed to get her.
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