(04-21-2016, 03:29 PM)DeadlyNova Wrote: Eee, congrats on getting Sol! He's definitely my favorite Taeyang overall.
As for his arm, maybe try wrapping some teflon tape around the peg.
thank you, your Sol attracted my attention and so i was looking for him. I thought i would get grell but oh well

i dont know if teflon tape works for this problem it is like a clasp? sorry i really dont know the terminology. I'll take a photo next time it happens.
(04-21-2016, 08:54 PM)Severity Wrote: Sol! Gosh I love him; he was the second Pullip family doll I ever got (after Cavalie). I ended up gifting him to my best friend and waiting for what seemed like forever to finally find a new one for myself! I'm just waiting to get help changing his eyechips: the top screw in his head is stripped and I need to get my stepdad to fix it, but I keep forgetting. Mine is kind of stiff/squeaky too, I chalked it up to the age of the doll, but I don't know for sure. Congrats on yours!thank you
Groove, can we have MIO kits in this color please?!