I love that robe! Such pretty fabric. That nurse outfit is super cute too.
Crochet is a hard one to teach yourself(I know from being self taught), but it isn't impossible, tho it does feel that way at the beginning. If I could give any suggestions it would be these:
-start with something super easy, like a single crochet square/rectangle. The goal with the first couple projects is to get the rhythm and train your hands to do the motion, so as long as you can do that, it doesn't matter how it looks, you've succeeded.
-use youtube! it was invaluable to me as a resource as I am a very visual learner. There are tons of video tutorials on there that can teach you everything from the basics to advanced stitches.
-Make sure to match your hook size to your yarn, trying to use a little hook with a thick yarn will usually end with strained hands and a lot of frustration. For a first couple projects I would recommend an H hook and worsted weight (4) acrylic yarn, like Red heart.
-Don't be afraid to walk away from a project. Learning crochet can be very frustrating, so I would work until it started to frustrate me then stop for a few hours or even days and then go back to it. My first scarf took me 3 weeks to complete doing this, but I was able to keep going back to it because I didn't burn myself out.
I hope these tips help and if you have any questions I would be more than happy to help. I've 10 years of e

erience with teaching myself to crochet.