That is a fine sabre you found for your pirate captain, Captain!
And I thought your wooden background was adequately nautical. Perhaps because I, too, use brown wooden steps to simulate a nautical setting... now that I live a thousand miles from the sea!
And... and... I COULDN'T STAND IT ANYMORE! I HAD TO HAVE HER! I just placed an order for Crimson Veritas through PullipStyle.
It's 100% because of these photos that
YOU keep posting; I had
zero intention of buying any more Pullips. But then you posted your first Crimson Veritas photos. And more photos. And these were finally enough to push me over the edge.
It helped that I had a few dollars available. Not "extra" dollars per se; just, currently
available dollars... and a few weeks to go until other bills are due.
So... on eBay, the current asking price for the Crimson Veritas stock outfit alone is now more than the doll originally sold for. The only complete dolls available are from Japan, and the prices (with shipping) start around $225 and range to beyond $300.
I thought I was out of luck. PullipStyle is not currently listing Veritas on eBay.
But... her price has been
reduced on the PullipStyle site! Like, that
never happens for me! Or at least, not since years ago, back when really cool dolls like Melissa could be found for $88. I e

ected to see "SOLD OUT," but instead, I saw a red-highlighted sale price!
Arrrr...ighty, then; Pullip Veritas has been ordered! I even paid for Priority Mail, since it was only a dollar and a half more than "cheap shipping." I still probably won't see her until at least Monday, though. So now I have to
As for making the doll without a sword, I suppose it could have been a cost-saving measure, but I suspect it has more to do with the anti-weapons attitude in the toy market. Do any current or recent Pullips include weapons? I know that a few have in the past, like Melissa with her shoulder holster and pistol. But modern toys... even the EAH Dragon Games figures didn't have swords. How could they be knights in armor without swords?
Anyway, I have plenty of shiny silver swords, so Veritas will be well armed once she arrives... if I can bring myself to remove that pristine, new, rapidly appreciating figure from her box!
Uhmmm.... unless this deal turns out to be too good to be true! I just checked the PullipStyle site again. I had placed the order. My order history says "order pending." But... Crimson Veritas is no longer showing up on the site! Was this the last one? Was her presence a glitch? Okay, now I'm going to be all stressed out until she arrives; or until I receive a shipping confirmation notice; or until I receive an "order cancelled – out of stock" notification.
Anyway, your Crimson Veritas is wonderful! Please keep posting these photos, because they're a lot of fun!
Woo hoo! Shipping notification received!
YAY! So... how many days do I have in which to build a Pullip pirate ship set?}