Neon’s A Doll A Migraine-less Day, More Or Less - 2019 edition!
It is always a delight and an honor to be graced by an appearance of Her Royal Insanityness!

You have a particular photographic talent for creating stunning images with your harem of red-haired beauties!

And thank you for the additional background and history about the cemetery and the villages around Prague. I was curious about the time period myself, so I did a bit of online reading about the "war years" and the effect on Czechoslovakia. I was vaguely aware of the "appeasement" approach by Britain and France regarding German ex-pansionism, but I had not been aware that, specifically, Britain and France met with Germany and Italy to discuss the matter of Czech territory, and the Brits and the French essentially gave away Czech territory with no input from the Czech government! Much of the territory that was ceded to Germany included ... how convenient ... Czech military defense fortification. Yes, it was 80 or more years ago, but still I was horrified to read how callously Britain and France treated the Czech people, and how little regard they had for the Czech nation. Afterward, the Allies did nothing to protest against further German ex-pansion in to Czech territory, and nothing to defend Czech sovereignty. And as you say, the Czech government acquiesced to German rule, but apparently the majority of the Czech citizens and the Czech military wanted to fight, and absolutely did not passively or willingly submit to German occupation.

Do Czech people harbor any ill-will against Britain and France for being abandoned and betrayed during the war? Or is it sufficiently far in the past to not matter as much anymore? I'm sure people from earlier generations had very mixed feelings about the Allied powers.

On a more positive note: I sincerely hope Remei will take us on more tours of Prague and of the Czech countryside! Perhaps one day she will even take us to see the amazing cathedral at Prague Castle!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Migraine-less Day, More Or Less - 2019 edition! - by davidd - 11-07-2019, 03:56 AM

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