Werepuppy's (Attempt At) Doll-A-Day 2019!
(08-23-2019, 02:01 AM)neon_jellyfish Wrote: At first I thought it was a Narnia t-shirt. Califonarnia? The Lion, the Witch and the ...Bookshelf?

... I could probably find stuff to make that a picture series. Also Califonarnia sounds like a place where it is eternally the summer holidays.

(08-23-2019, 04:09 AM)davidd Wrote: I was speaking to a gentleman from the UK just yesterday, and he was wearing a "California" t-shirt with "California" written in similar rainbow hues.
Two examples should be enough to suggest a stereotype of all British people having a weird obsession with "progressive" California culture, right?
What's up with this?

[snip for length]

LOL Tongue yay 

If neon_jellyfish had not pointed it out, I probably would also have assumed with a glance that Bette was wearing a Narnia shirt. That looks like a lion on the front, and at first glance it's the letters "... nia" that stand out.

I like that word: "Califonarnia." You could probably make some money designing logos and emblems and such... and putting them on t-shirts... and selling them to people from the UK.

The Lion, the Witch, and the Cell Phone, more like.

Honestly, my image of California is too much sun, and everything being ridiculously overpriced. But I think you're not wrong in your estimation, actually. There is a big thing about the idea of it being a progressively liberal place. And... I say that being from a country that is known to be quite progressive and liberal, especially when compared to our nearest neighbours. 

Bette finds herself stuck in Califonarnia. She meets neither the Lion nor the Witch because she has a great roaming plan on her phone, and is able to find the way home quickly. ... Well, it's a subversion of a tale. 

(08-23-2019, 04:52 AM)davidd Wrote:
(08-23-2019, 04:30 AM)dargosmydaddy Wrote: Not to quash your British-people-being-obsessed-with-California right off the bat, but I'm pretty sure the doll is wearing this Barbie shirt/ dress:  

Okay, I am genuinely impressed by that quick I.D. of the specific clothing item!

Wait... now I'm confused. Isn't Bette a larger scale figure? How could that Barbie top fit her?

dargo is right, the shirt is from a Barbie fashion pack. Since Barbie has introduced different body shapes, it's a bit easier to find things to fit Bette. While she is a larger 1/6 scale figure (33cm to the average 27cm of a fashion doll, and thicker), I've found that items for the curvy and tall Barbies can fit her quite nicely. I'll take some pics and make a thread: What Fits Bette? In case anyone comes across the figure and wants to get one for themselves and is looking for quick clothing options.

(08-23-2019, 07:44 AM)Lejays17 Wrote: That shirt is fantastic, and she’s very intent on whatever is happing on the phone.

And the rainbow dress/top is very cute too.  And shiny & sparkly- just the thing for a well-dressed cat to be noticed in smile

I believe she was playing a game. Or possibly reading.

Victoria says thank you! She's added the white striped leggings she arrived here dressed in underneath. It looks really nice.

(08-23-2019, 11:32 AM)Alliecat Wrote: Who doesn't need a sparkly rainbow-y outfit?

Clearly, we all do. Because sparkly rainbow-y outfits just make people smile. 

- - - 

235: Doom Buggy
[Image: 59008728_9d08d46497ef5bbd8e01ab5b86a78fc8_standard.jpg]
The hitchiking ghosts have found a new way to get around...

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the original Haunted Mansion attraction at the Disney Parks. As such, there's been a ton of merchandise released, some of which is even making it's way to the shopDisney UK website! This is part of their ornaments range, and I actually picked it up in store when I was there the other week. It'll be able to sit out, year round, on my bookshevles and just be a cool display piece.

Here's the unfiltered photo, for those curious:
[Image: 59008737_d20de354749dc42788b9b01729e49506_standard.jpg]

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RE: Werepuppy's (Attempt At) Doll-A-Day 2019! - by werepuppy - 08-23-2019, 09:26 PM

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