Tasuke's Anime Dolly-a-Whenever Thread...
Gooba gabba! Gooba gabba! One of us! One of us! You've been pulled in by the gravitational vortex of the Doll-A-Day / Doll-A-Week / Doll-A-Wheneverz... thing!

The Power of Peer Pressure! LOL

I've glimpsed all kinds of amazing toys and figures in the backgrounds of your anime doll photos. I'm sure you'll be able to come up with subjects on a weekly or more often basis!

Sakura in her pretty white dress with the pearl necklace is totally squee-worthy!

Welcome to the Doll-A-Random-Yet-Regularly-Scheduled-Time madness!

Were the Tenchi Muyo figures actually licensed by or distributed by Pioneer, the laserdisc company?
They're not dolls, they're action figures!

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RE: Tasuke's Anime Dolly-a-Whenever Thread... - by davidd - 02-19-2019, 04:28 AM

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