Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020)
(01-04-2020, 11:01 PM)werepuppy Wrote: Awww, poor Withdoll Emma. Though the others are doing a great job of making her feel welcome.

(I see your comments about the other forum and I wish I could say something that would make you feel better. Sometimes just copy/pasting for the sake of keeping up to date is the best you can do.)

Yeah, I feel bad for her, poor thing arrived last August and she's still faceless. But she's going to get faceless resin friends and then they're all getting face-ups, so it will be fine. Azones are very pleasant creatures, everyone feels good around them.

Don't feel bad for me! I'm happy here and that's what's important, I just don't see the point in continuing there, and I don't want to make you two comment twice, because sometimes, even if you really like a photo, it's kinda hard to come up with a comment, let alone two. My head gets so numb at times, I don't even know how to spell my own name LOL

(01-05-2020, 05:02 AM)davidd Wrote: I like the "golden toga" temporary costume! And Emma has nicely sculpted knees.

But  Retro Reporter Girl's costume is just the absolute adorable-est!

Combination of bright yellow scarf and grey resin works really well, doesn't it? I was already thinking about sewing her something in that color... Oh, Withdolls are so nicely sculpted, I love them! My SD girl is also a Withdoll. I can't wait for her to get here.

I know, right? I was on verge with Azones, because Pure Neemos don't usually have articulated wrists (they have a 1/6 double-jointed body, but for reasons most mysterious, they almost never use it), but this release pulled me over. Her face, hair, clothes and overall theme are all just perfect, who cares about wrists...

(01-05-2020, 09:54 AM)Elfy Wrote: Emma is a giant!

She's 42 cm tall, 1/4 scale.

(01-05-2020, 10:33 AM)Lejays17 Wrote: Emma looks very lovely from the bit that is shown, and the other are very welcoming to her.

I look forward to seeing her all finished when the funds allow.  And also the other Smart Dolls.

She's is very lovely! Sadly, I have to hold onto money right now, because I'm going to have to pay custom fees for my BJDs when they arrive, but then I'm getting all the supplies and getting my lazy bum to work!

I'm not sure about Smart Dolls this year, because I'll be busy with completing BJDs, then I want to get a friend for Monty and then prioritize getting shells for Oddies, but my wishlist and buying plans change all the time, so we'll see.

(01-05-2020, 01:27 PM)Alliecat Wrote: I'm looking forward to seeing Emma too.
Too bad about the other forum; there seem to be more members than here, but it can be hard to break into a new one if there's an established group of commenters who sort of "know" each other.  I think I registered there some time ago, but have way too much computer-screen-staring in my life already, so I never got round to posting.

Thank you!
Yeah, it's a somewhat closed community, even werepuppy and davidd get only a few comments, despite posting a lot of amazing stuff. I do remember seeing you as 'the newest member'. You're probably not missing out on anything.

Day 5

Usually, there are two separate prompts, one for the best catch of the year and one for all new dolls one got that year, but I got five dolls last year and they're all the best catch, so for 2019, I'm going to combine the two prompts in single photo.

[Image: 69571fa37de67ffcb49bf31eb4e75643.jpg]

Poor Emma, still so shy about the no face thing...

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020) - by neon_jellyfish - 01-05-2020, 10:29 PM

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