Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020)
(02-04-2020, 02:14 AM)werepuppy Wrote: Felis is stunning and still my top Pullip want. All due to your fantastic pictures of her, actually. I hadn't considered her much before that.

Thank you! She is a stunning doll, and I'm super glad to have her. Glad I could be of enabling service! wink

(02-04-2020, 04:33 AM)Alliecat Wrote: I am tempted by her too.
Hope you feel less like a zombie soon.

She's a cat and a redhead, no way she wouldn't be tempting!
Thank you!!!

(02-04-2020, 06:17 AM)Lejays17 Wrote: So elegant a couple.

The art school discussion is very interesting.  It’s like a lot of creative works, having to redo something over and over again to meet an arbitrary standard that keeps moving (like the still-life you presented the first go at again and it was “right” that time) takes away the joy of creating.

The doodles (I assume) are bringing you joy, even if they aren’t always exactly what you wanted to do when starting out (like the one for funereal clothes when you didn’t want to cover up the work on the face with the appropriate veil)

(02-04-2020, 06:20 AM)Lejays17 Wrote: Felis stunning - she was one of the first Pullips I really really wanted even though she arrived later in my collection.

Oh, and I forgot to compliment you on the Lacy beauty too!  Even if the grey wasn’t a part of the character you have fo her, it works very well with the mint skin

In case of that particular still life, it wasn't the standards shifting as much as absence of standards - from the comments he was giving me, it felt like he was just trying to come up with reasons to make me redo it, because that's what you do with freshmen, they need to be shown their place... It was all so vague, and it often contradicted what he told me previously. It really seemed like he isn't even looking at the work, making me redo it just because. That's why I decided to pull a little troll, because I was practically sure he won't remember, and it's more of a 'make them redo it at least four times" thing. I wasn't the only one treated like that.

I do enjoy these little doodles! Although they're taking unholy amounts of time to finish. I'm quite rusty... I don't want to let bad ex!perience from college take the joy of creating away from me, so I'm working on taking it back.

And thank you very much!!!

(02-04-2020, 06:59 AM)Elfy Wrote: Felis (ours is called Toni, short for Antoinette) was the first of the Alice in Steampunk World Pullips that we got.

That's a great first (within that particular line) choice!

(02-04-2020, 12:29 PM)davidd Wrote: Your dolly portraits this ADAD season have all been stunning. I think your photography has somehow improved over the excellence you exhibited last year. Each daily picture is a gem.

The "doodles" are remarkable - the lettering in the coffin exhibition poster is divine, and the entire funereal fashion illustration is both beautiful and fun. The discussion of art school has been interesting... and occasionally depressing. (And I'm really having second thoughts about participating in the Doodle a Week; I'm definitely out of my depth here!)

I've missed seeing Doll a Day during my absence. I'm delighted to see that you are still forging on, stronger than ever. Congratulations on completing the first month!

Thank you for your kind words!!!

As for doodles - don't use me as a standard, or anyone else for that matter, it will always make you feel bad, regardless of the actual quality of your work. Your current 'best' is more than good enough! If you don't have fun with it, and don't have any goals you want to achieve with it, then don't bother with it, but if you'd like to do it, then go ahead! There's no minimum skill level required, and I'm probably not that much better than you as you'd like to think, that's the trap of comparing yourself to others. This is for fun!

I decided to do it, because I wanted to make myself use my art supplies on regular basis and to get my hands back in shape, and I wanted to do it in a way that would go with ADAD, because they both take a lot of time, so I decided to make them support each other. ADAD makes me motivated to get to the drawing, because I sort of promised I would do it, and posters give me material for ADAD.

And thanks again!

Day 35

ADAW #5 - Pet Show
So... I gained a lot of interesting ex³perience from this one... Meaning it is quite a failure LOL
This method of shading doesn't work, while the gradients look quite smooth IRL, they're awfully rough on the photo. Ew. The ornament isn't wide enough, its top and bottom and also sides are sompletely hidden by the frame. Need to make these things wider next time! I used silver gel pen for the lettering and the creature's eyes. Looks very nice IRL, but it is harder to photograph than I thought it would be. Whew.

[Image: c9fe8cc19bc752309af64de8b270d223.jpg]

I tried to soften the gradients on this one by lowering the contrast and blurring it just a liiiiitle bit, but it didn't work, it just made the rest of the poster look uglier than before LOL

[Image: 244dfd20b1358a6866a6bd6a9988c2a8.jpg]

One more from different angle, to capture the silver parts better (still not good enough):

[Image: f069c7bf9574953aa18fd577d98ea0eb.jpg]

LOL, this one so doesn't work on photos, but I'm not too bummed, I quite like it and stuff I've learnt will be useful for future posters.

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020) - by neon_jellyfish - 02-05-2020, 02:38 AM

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