Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020)
Thanks guys!!!

Day 116

Alliecat asked about examples from the magic books, but I was feeling so ecstatic about lifted restrictions, I forgot to answer. These magic books aren't based on those old ones, they're just put together in the same fashion and gather superstitions and 'magic' habits people had back then, which were passed along by the word of mouth. It's the usual stuff about broken mirrors, black cats, garlic against vampires, various methods of future-husband-divination, wearing a key as a pendant to attract love, luck and wealth, stuff like that.

[Image: 882b5dfe122fb1091cb6dd6e616d7817.jpg]

This spread (please pardon the clothespin, I don't normally do this to my precious books, it's just for the photo) is about protecting oneself from witches and their evil spells. Apparently, if you stick a broomstick in the ground close to your front door, the witch won't get in, you can also use various herbs and branches as witch repellent, like juniper, mugwort, blackthorn, or a wreath made of dog rose and nettles. You hang them in windows and doors. Some of them can be worn on one's body. I wouldn't go for the nettles, though. Most people would wear these herbs in small pouches around the neck, Google and Wiki tell me the word in English is scapular, but I'm not quite sure. It is similar to Czech 'škapulíř', but when I search for pictures, only religious scapulars come up, as opposed to pouches for storing amulets and talismans that originate in pre-christian traditions.

Rosamunda thinks this is funny. She could do some neat magic with all those things, she doesn't feel the least bit repelled.

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020) - by neon_jellyfish - 04-26-2020, 12:05 AM

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