Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020)
(05-14-2020, 01:40 AM)dargosmydaddy Wrote: Aw, I never realized the under-skirt was so cute!

(05-14-2020, 01:44 AM)werepuppy Wrote: Oh she's so cute!

(05-14-2020, 01:42 PM)Alliecat Wrote: How does she feel about being labelled "cute"?  LOL
It's still an excellent doodle for drawn-by-hand.

Thank you! She's doing this on purpose, so she enjoys being called cute (she likes pulling people's legs). If you called her cute under normal circumstances, she'd be probably amused, but then she'd be probably even more amused by torturing you.

(05-14-2020, 02:16 AM)davidd Wrote: What a flirty li'l thing!

(05-14-2020, 05:28 PM)Elfy Wrote: Her Insane Majesty appears to be feeling a bit flirty.

Don't be fooled! She's looks all flirty, but she's probably after someone's head. She likes pulling people's legs, but removing their heads is even more fun! LOL

Long story short, cute and flirty Majesty is always a bad sign.

Day 135

Weather here discovered the charms of synthetism and is trying to combine all its forms to create an entirely new concept, so it's sunny, rainy, windy and stuffy and my head responds to this wondrous spectacle in accordance with its entirely NOT new patterns, in other words, the weather is giving me a headache again. I wanted to babble about Poppy and how her signature scissors motif makes me think about Rapunzel x Edward Scissorhands crossover, but yeah, no. You can't even see any scissors on the photo.

[Image: b8b0db3fee5d9a0cbc166941d387be6c.jpg]

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020) - by neon_jellyfish - 05-14-2020, 07:42 PM

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