Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020)
(05-18-2020, 10:36 PM)Lejays17 Wrote: There were a whole lot of interesting one-off releases at that time, like they were trying everthing they could think of to make a doll out of, but none were really developed well as a character.

And wasn't she one that had a lot of mis-prints of her on/off button on her forehead - like eye-wonk but worse.

Actually, the whole BYBY line seemed to be awfully prone to eyewonk. The wonk was getting worse with time as Mattel started cutting more and more corners, but even then BYBY was worse than a lot of other lines. Great Scarrier Reef dolls had way more going on, face-up wise, but they weren't nearly as bad as BYBY ones. Brand Boo Students (Isi, Kjersti and Batsy) were also bad.

(05-18-2020, 11:50 PM)werepuppy Wrote: Was Ellle meant to be a gateway character into a potential new sci-fi themed spin-off? Fantasy was covered by MH, folklore by EAH... they could have made a sci-fi one.

You really have captured a stunning portrait of her here.

No, she was a DJ focusing on one of those electro-something music styles (my knowledge is seriously lacking in this area, eventhough I'm not that old), so I think Mattel thought robot would go nice with that.

Monster High's main theme was horror rather than fantasy (no elves or dwarves or orks anywhere, also no magic system, eventhough Casta kinda exists), when they run out of movie monsters, they started making supernaturals from various mythologies. In that regard, both MH and EAH draw from folklore, but EAH was about fairytales in broader sense, which was awesome because Wonderland!

I would freakin' LOVE Space High doll line full of aliens of all shapes and colors, androids and whatnot!!!! I never got Astranova, because her maglev gimmick kinda ruined her for me, and I always wondered why there weren't more aliens. It wouldn't be less horror-y than Deer Woman or whatever the heck is Jane supposed to be (I love Jane, she's beautiful, but I don't know what was Mattel going for with her. Doctor Dolittle is a hella weird choice for monster/horror themed line).

Oh, and I want a retrofuturistic space diner playset for my Space High dolls!

And thank you very much!!!

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020) - by neon_jellyfish - 05-19-2020, 01:17 AM

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