Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020)
Many thanks, everyone!

Butterbats are quite common in Oddwickshire, but you won't see them around towns, you need to go deeper to the woods. They're much smaller than possums (cca 20cm with tail), so no worries, Elfy! Also, they're quite shy, I don't think they would be interested in people's (or other humanoids') gardens. They eat various berries and small insects.

Day Huh, previous days had messed up numbers. That's what I get for not checking the spreadsheet properly and just quickly glancing over the previous number. I went from Day 159 to 152, what the heck...  162

I've been having migraines for over two weeks now, which means I'm in for a long spell and they'll hang around for at least a month, so I'm sorry in advance, my photos are going to be rather crappy and boring.

[Image: a63111a83502e8ebb2015fd471b2d226.jpg]

Gloom and Bloom Jane kind of self-filters in photos, her colors just come across as neon no matter what I do...

And I have a bonus non-dolly photo. I had a most charming visitor today! He came seeking shelter from rain and hid in my bugleweeds. It's european rose chafer - cetonia aurata. They're quite fond of bugleweeds, I see them in mine now and then.

[Image: 919631940a37007f2f6e2bc964a5f165.jpg]

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020) - by neon_jellyfish - 06-11-2020, 12:38 AM

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