Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020)
Thank you very much, everyone!!!

Day 174

I'm zombified by the weather again, and I'm tired. It makes me want to drop the challenge. I always want to drop the challenge in summer. Not an option, Her Insane Majesty wants ADAD with that extra day. I just can't handle this season. I need to build myself some nice spooky catacombs before next summer merrily blazes in, so that I can keep my corpse cool and intact. Seriously, I'm falling apart in this heat. Also, I miss MH.

[Image: 0d03d1bfef793dda5657ff9ca2cdfc06.jpg]

I was looking forward to these three so much! I was still in college back then, and there was this wonderful toy store near my bus stop, so whenever it was time for new releases to start appearing, I always went there on my way home, and asked about new MH dolls. The ladies who worked there remembered me and even saved some dolls for me when they had last one in stock, so that I wouldn't miss them. Like, for example, this Venus. I fricken miss those times.

[Image: eda30a21ae5283d8e8dc12c5b5b01148.jpg]

Also, sorry for another way too long delay in the Scavenger Hunt, I'll post the final pic tomorrow.

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020) - by neon_jellyfish - 06-23-2020, 02:01 AM

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