Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020)
Aaaah, all the feels! Has it been 10 years already? I remember exactly when MH came out. I also remember that I initially found the hype around them weird - but I was also "not a doll person, no dolls for me, thank you, I have enough collections already", so I had no intention in buying one (LOL). Then in 2012 Rochelle hit the shelves... She was awesome. I couldn't not get her. Then came greyscale SS Frankie, and then Skelita... and I was doomed. By the time I managed to get my first doll (Rochelle) in mid-2013, I was already eyeballing other dolls I previously had no intered for. I remember when I purchased my Sea Monster CAM off eBay, the seller told me she's selling her because she's downsizing, because at one point she's got about 20 MH dolls - and I told her I only have a few. Well, if you asked me today how many I have, I wouldn't be able to answer. I just lost count, and that's probably better this way. Definitely not 20, rather a few times 20 upside down

With all the hype and the uniqueness, I also would have said that the line will last longer. Much longer. This anniversary actually made me realise it was around for a much shorter time than I thought it was... that's so sad Oh My 

I love these group photos! It's difficult enough already to pose 3 dolls for a photoshoot, but 6 and 8 - great job! Also huge kudos for continuing with the challenge also in difficult times. I've been away for some time now, but I've read that you've been feeling unwell... I hope you're doing better! We have a massive heat here too, and I also loathe it. Luckily it doesn't mess with my head or give me migraines, but I sweat all over and feel exhausted all the time. It's getting more and more difficult to work from home full time like this - I love our sunny apartment, but brightness also means it's very hot during summer days. I've been a part-home-officer for long years now, who knew full HO makes such a huge difference... I miss the office's AC...
My Flickr Gallery blush

"I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can, so I can
See the light that's right before my eyes"

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020) - by Loona - 07-03-2020, 07:15 AM

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