Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020)
(07-15-2020, 02:08 PM)davidd Wrote: Girl ghost looks so pleased with herself!
These were my first thoughts! I love her cute pleased ex.pression smile

I'm sad to hear you are battling migraine again - I hope it fades away soon, and until that, rest assured that we are totally delighted also by your simpler doodles like this one Heart My husband's motto is "simple is beautiful", and while in general I tend to disagree (but I'm an overcomplicater by nature, I guess this is a cat and dog language-type of matter between us), it is indeed true in the right place and time.

Kiyomi looks a little puzzled by how one can even question ghost ghoul fashion. She spooks in style too! smile She is a beautiful doll, I love her  pastel blue skin tone, but I am not entirely happy with her original looks (I am not happy with her original hair colour, and I always wonder if she really needed facepaint, being a faceless ghost). I got mine second-hand off the MH Arena from a fellow collector, rehaired with pastel purple yarn hair, and with the factory lip paint removed. I didn't necessarily intend to keep her as is (not because I didn't like her, I just didn't yet have specific plans), but upon arrival I fell in love with her, and in EAH Signature Duchess' pale purplish dress her aesthetics are now perfect for my eyes. I should really photograph her sometime, I don't think I ever took a photo of her, which is really a shame, she needs to be shared.
My Flickr Gallery blush

"I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can, so I can
See the light that's right before my eyes"

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020) - by Loona - 07-15-2020, 07:11 PM

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