Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020)
werepuppy - my Azone wishlist, like pretty much all my wishlists, is an ever-growing, shapeshifting monster. I keep changing it with almost each new release.

There are some specific dolls I want, like both versions of the newest Milo release or Koi Princess Maya, and then some more general things, like one of each body type, some redheads, a doll on Emotion body, dolls with pastel colored hair in both picco and pure sizes, some redheads, an Iris Collect, an Iris Collect Petite, some boys, some redheads, stuff like that.

With Piccos, I want a main trio with a girl and two boys, and then side characters with specific hair colors - mint, lilac, blue, black, silver. And more redheads. There's always room for more redheads. That doesn't mean I won't get more Piccos after that, but this is what I want to have before I dare to attempt a backstory. I've learnt from my mistakes with Oddwickshire - if I start too soon, I'm going to drown in characters that demand shells!

Monty and May are two thirds of the main trio, and I'm going to get the newest Vel and Erunoe for mint and lilac hair.

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020) - by neon_jellyfish - 08-04-2020, 10:16 PM

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