(08-17-2020, 03:14 PM)davidd Wrote: If I recall correctly from your blog posts, you stood a lot of night watches on your trans-oceanic voyages. Evidence suggests your "temporally challenged" seems to be independent of time zones.I definitely felt much better getting up at 3:30 AM for 4-8 watch than at 7:30 for 8-12. I was awake enough at 4:30 AM to want navigation lessons, which our watch leader was not too jazzed about. I think the formulas are self-contained within each time zone; if you want to factor in others you might get into some relativistic time-travel-fringe mathematics.
That, then, suggests that the algebraic date formula is independent of time zones.
They do say that people with Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome will eventually catch up to a new time zone and be late there too. I’ve seen this start to be the case.
Very pretty portrait of Toralei.
Without a regular schedule, it sure can be difficult sometimes to keep track of what day it is.