Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020)
DON'T BURN IT!!!!! I sent you an email!

Your illustration of Sally is not only beautiful, it is PERFECT! PERFECT!

No, I'm not exaggerating. The style looks just like a paper doll illustration from the 1930s. In fact, not long ago I posted a picture of 1930s paper dolls on Instagram with the comment that I wished I could draw in that style. You can draw in that style! A style that is perfect for the character of Sally LaSalle.

Additionally... you're psychically lurking in my brain! This is what Sally LaSalle has always looked like in my mind! Even from her days as a Candy Pop doll, this is what she looked like in my mind's eye! I mean, this is exactly what she looked like!

You are, of course, correct about the side part in the hair. I'm hoping I can restyle the hair on the figure I'm currently using... to more closely resemble this illustration.

And as werepuppy says, Apple looks excited to see the movie! I'll be right there in line with her! I'm excited to see it, too!

I'm also excited to see your fairy post from yesterday! How did I not see it? (Well, busy day, but never mind.) That is an incredible image! It looks so much like the Cottingley Fairy photos that I am stunned! There's something about the slightly artificial way the figures are separated from the background, and the not-quite-right sense of scale, and the odd levitation of the flying figures, that captures the sense, the feel, the impression of those original photos!

Orlok lurking there in the corner is a fun touch!

Two photos in two days contending for my VERY TOP FAVORITES of your ADAD for the year!

Oh, but that drawing! Heart 2 Heart 2 Heart 2

(She's even wearing her pink scarf!)
They're not dolls, they're action figures!

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020) - by davidd - 09-30-2020, 11:27 AM

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