Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020)
(11-19-2020, 11:09 PM)werepuppy Wrote: Awww, such an adorable couple!
Thank you!!!

(11-20-2020, 03:49 AM)davidd Wrote: Well... yes, it would be difficult to contest their claim for the title of Cutest Couple in Neon Jellyfish Land!

And Coolest Pirate Costume!


Sadly, I currently only have two pirates in my collection (and rather ex!!!pensive plans to fix that), and Vandala's costume isn't the best one MH has put out, so I'm afraid Cap'n Lake doesn't really have anyone to compete with...

(11-20-2020, 02:29 PM)Elfy Wrote: You have so many cut couples it must be hard to choose just one.

Actually, I only have two couples I consider cute - these two and MH Love in Scaris Rochelle and Garrott. I think that Rebecca & Elazar and BYBY Cleo & Deuce are cool couples, Salome & Orpheus are a classy couple, and the rest is etiher unshelled or not a couple yet (though they will be at some point), or both.

(11-20-2020, 02:59 PM)Alliecat Wrote: They are cute and look ready for adventures.

Thank you! These two are definitely adventurous characters!

(11-20-2020, 08:47 PM)dunneh Wrote: Alliecat: Haha yeah he mostly says it as a joke, but hey, the placebo effect is real, right? Haha, so if it helps.... LOL ... Yeah I see why watching trainers like that reminds you of your girl and makes you miss her. It's so so hard losing a pet. Cry *big virtual hugs*

The photos are great, love your occult dolls theming. The film grain filters are great, I love that you show them both with and without the efffects on them. I prefer the first one only because I like the touches of blue in their hair and stock.

Ugh you are making me want azone dolls, LOL That couple is beyond cute. Love their outfits!

Thank you very much!

Haha, Azones are a deep and dangerous rabbit hole to fall down into, but a very rewarding one. The outfits are very high quality, as are the dolls themselves, even if Pure Neemos have somewhat limited poseability. I do find them worth the price, and they bring me a lot of joy.

Day 325

Back to B&W! I felt like SU Cedar might look great in greyscale. She does.

[Image: 97c5d46557f3c41e1e9f5ffbcbc5a617.jpg]

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020) - by neon_jellyfish - 11-20-2020, 11:12 PM

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