Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020)
Thank you both!

Day 358

I wanted to take a representative photo of my Wonderlandians (Wonderish, like Ireland / Irish?). Should have known it wasn't going to work.

[Image: fde35acb36d542201674f9090a754070.jpg]

There are three more Wonderland-themed characters in EAH - Alistair Wonderland, son of Alice, Bunny Blanc, daughter of White Rabbit, and Courtly Jester, who isn't daughter of any character from the books, she represents the joker card.

I wanted Bunny, but all the ones I found had terribly wonky eyes (Bunny was kinda notorious for that, the sculpt itself seems to be prone to wonky prints), and her skin was too pink for my tastes. I never bonded with my MH Gigi dolls because of the overpinkness, so I didn't want to end up like that with Bunny.

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RE: Neon’s A Doll A Day… Again (2020) - by neon_jellyfish - 12-24-2020, 01:01 AM

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