02-04-2020, 11:42 PM
(02-04-2020, 12:04 AM)neon_jellyfish Wrote: Azones
What a bunch of cuties! Seriously, they're all so adorable.
I'm hooked on these, I'm definitely going to try to get more soon!
I'm hoping to be able to increase my Azone collection by at least one this year - ideally the first Alvastaria Milo release. He's the perfect Artful Dodger in my mind, and well, I do have my perfect Oliver as an Azone so... makes sense to get his erstwhile friend in the same line. I'd also like to get another Lil' Fairy - Will is the one I've been looking at as the baby Goth feel of him fits my style so well, LOL.
(02-04-2020, 04:31 AM)Alliecat Wrote: They're a cute bunch.
(02-03-2020, 11:20 PM)werepuppy Wrote: There is a 12" figure but the likeness... as a friend put it, it's not Poe Dameron, it's Mr. Bean.Haha. I'd like to see that.
I really need to catch up on these movies.
Thank you.
Also: 12" Poe Dameron.
As for catching up on the movies... Well, I was going to write a whole thing here about my opinions on each film in a pithy one line summary, but that would not be so great for you forming your own. I will ask that if you do see the films, please disregard my takes on the characters - I work on Rule of Funny and that does not line up well with the films tbh.
(02-04-2020, 06:22 AM)Lejays17 Wrote: The azones are all so cute (I do not need another collection, I do not need another collection...)
I genuinely said that myself before I got my first Azone. Now look at me. ... Ah, well! Dolls, man, this hobby just makes your wallet bleed.
(02-04-2020, 06:56 AM)Elfy Wrote: Yay for a - z!
Thank you dear! Not sure how many times I'll do it throughout the year. I think I will do an A-to-Z that is just one doll per photo based on their names at one point, that feels like it would be fun.
(02-04-2020, 01:00 PM)davidd Wrote: "... but there's got to be so appreciation for Padme who did her best to uphold the democractic process while setting the standards of fashion very high."
Your droll commentary on the Star Wars saga never fails to crack me up, both for its succinct insightfulness and its levity.
I missed so much during my absence! You successfully concluded your first Alphabet run (with a particularly interesting conversation about Xena occurring near the end) and, after a brief respite, began another! So many fun comments to read through!
Interesting that you're considering parting with your Potter crew, and the general sense of fading interest I see among those who commented. I was wondering what Universal Studios was thinking when the constructed Harry Potter Wizarding World. Did they really believe the franchise would have enough staying power to make such a colossal investment worthwhile? Or did they eect such huge initial profits that the investment made sense? The first Harry Potter movie is old now, having been released nineteen years ago. People visiting Harry Potter World are probably parents... and maybe even grandparents... taking their kids and grand-kids there because "this was really popular when I was your age."
Anyway, seems like maybe Ron might fit in with some of the escapades in The Room.
Fandom - especially the Star Wars fandom can take itself far too seriously. I'd prefer to be able to have a laugh about it all, so I will stick to Rule of Funny and see what happens.
A-to-Z is going to be a recurring thing throughout the year, I think. I'm enjoying the challenge it gives me, even if some of my pictures may just be simple shots of the dolls/figures/bears that happen to have a name that begins with that particular letter. It's still something new.
It's less that I'm less interested in the franchise - I still enjoy the books and world - but less interested in the merch in general. I also find that while I've been able to make other characters from fantastical worlds fit well within the Room, weirdly the HP crew feel oddly stuck in their own world with their own goings-on. I'm giving myself a short reprieve before I list them anywhere - thinking of just selling them as a bundle - but I do not see them sticking around for the whole year.
Nice to see you back!
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35. B is for BeGoth
![[Image: 65594529_63b8bfdec80d80301a5b7994b6e0e30b_standard.jpg]](http://www.23hq.com/23666/65594529_63b8bfdec80d80301a5b7994b6e0e30b_standard.jpg)
Only a small smattering of my collection because trying to get them all into shot was not working out well, at all. My BeGoth collection is one of my prides of my general doll collection as I didn't get into the line until after they had stopped being made. I've always managed to find good prices for them - never more than original retail.
Plus they're just fun to look at.