Werepuppy's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020
(03-01-2020, 11:33 PM)neon_jellyfish Wrote: I think I mostly prefer the Barbie one, but I like Character Options' coat better, and coats are important, so it's a draw...

Both coats are equally difficult to get off, if I'm perfectly honest. Character Options' at least attempted to put the lining it, so that does give it the edge. If the coats were easier to remove, I would try giving the Mattel offering the Character Options' one, just to see how it looks. 

(03-02-2020, 03:07 AM)davidd Wrote:
(03-01-2020, 11:33 PM)neon_jellyfish Wrote:  (...or do I only use apostrophe without 's', because the word is plural? ...) 

I believe you would use only the apostrophe, because, while the figure is single, the word "options" is plural.

However, now that you point it out... since "options" is here being used as part of the description of the single figure...  Whacked ...

Perhaps we could ask The Doctor(s) to step back in time a few decades to ask Strunk & White their opinion on this matter.

If I remember English lessons correctly, if it ended in an 's', you just only used the apostrophe. 

The Doctor has quite terrible grammar herself, so perhaps asking for some help wouldn't be a bad thing :Tongue

(03-02-2020, 03:51 AM)Alliecat Wrote: LOL  More people need to consult Strunk & White… Says the person whose phone dictation makes her grammar look terrible.
I think it depends on whether you’re using the words as the doll’s name, or the company’s name. If you are talking about the company’s doll, you would need the apostrophe as a possessive. If it’s the doll’s name then no. Like “Mattel’s Barbie” vs. the Mattel Barbie.  “Character Options’ doll” vs. “the Character Options doll”.
Heh, sorry, grammar police.  Tongue
(and you wouldn’t believe how long it took to post this with all the corrections.)

Anyway, interesting to see the size difference in two 1/6 figures.

I wouldn't worry about it - mobile devices make everyone's grammar look terrible, not to mention the addition of horrible spelling!

I was using it as the company name since the doll's name is the same, lol. But.... yeah I think you've got it entirely right. Man, I wish I remembered English lessons a little better, but eh.

The Character Options offering is on a 10" scale, so that ex.plains that size difference. It's also thicker than the Mattel version, but that can be more boiled down to the fact that the Mattel version is some mix of a Pivotal and a Made to Move body. 

(03-02-2020, 04:46 AM)davidd Wrote: I suppose the really odd thing here is that there are at least three of us among a relatively small handful of active forum members who care about things like this, which is an extremely high percentage compared to the number of people in the public at large who know or care about, or even have the faintest understanding of, apostrophes.

Now I'm curious as to whether the doll hobby on the whole attracts a more literate... or grammatically uptight... crowd than might be exˆpected, or is it just an anomaly here on this forum?

I'm figuring that it's a thing unqiue to this forum. We do appear to be quite a literary lot, it stands to reason that pondering over grammar comes along with that. 

I do think there is a connection with books and dolls - considering how many dolls have been made based on a book character, or books that feature a doll as a character - but I think it's more correlation than anything else. 

(03-02-2020, 03:40 PM)Elfy Wrote: I prefer Character Options. Barbie gets to do so many things. Give someone else a go.

If it helps? Character Options seems to be the go to company in the UK for Doctor Who related figures and merch. I believe they're connected to Underground Toys, who appear to be listed on the boxes on the US side of things. 

(03-02-2020, 07:27 PM)Alliecat Wrote: Well that’s what I get for trying to participate here on a tiny phone screen. Somehow the message content just doesn’t come through the same.

It's just unforunate that mobile devices like to mess up. But you still participated and provided good content! 

(03-02-2020, 10:15 PM)Lejays17 Wrote: I like the Character Options version as well n general.  Except the plastic hair.  I don’t really like moulded hair on dolls.

Maybe I should search out that version as I really want the outfit for the Pullips to cosplay in.

It does make sense they would go for plastic hair, as this is basically a larger versions of the 5.5" action figure, with fabric clothing, but I have to admit to preferring the Mattel offering's rooted hair. Even if it is heavily gelled into place. 

I should say that the Character Options version is about 10" tall, but wide, and the boots are non-removeable. This could help make your decision. Oh, also the Mattel offering was recently on sale but I'm not sure where would stock it... 

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62. Sewing: New Dungarees

[Image: 66766971_d295345f21b4f5e8cba5542388bf9c74_standard.jpg]

Did a bit of sewing lately! Made these dungarees for Hayley. I really should have added a pocket or something to them, but eh, for what they are they're not bad. Importantly, she can sit down in them which is always a bonus.

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RE: Werepuppy's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020 - by werepuppy - 03-02-2020, 10:53 PM

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