06-19-2020, 10:38 PM
Thank you, all! I can confirm Higgin is very huggable!
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171. I is for Invisible
Invisi-Billy! Or Billy Griffin if you saw the 1933 film and know the Invisible Man was Doctor Jack Griffin. As far as MH male releases went, Billy was a bit different in the lower part of his legs being transulcent but still rather plain. That being said I think he's got one of the better looking sculpts for a MH boy. In my doll-verse, he's related to Twyla Boogeyman - through their mums - and River has a bit of a crush on him, that he doesn't know about.
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171. I is for Invisible
Invisi-Billy! Or Billy Griffin if you saw the 1933 film and know the Invisible Man was Doctor Jack Griffin. As far as MH male releases went, Billy was a bit different in the lower part of his legs being transulcent but still rather plain. That being said I think he's got one of the better looking sculpts for a MH boy. In my doll-verse, he's related to Twyla Boogeyman - through their mums - and River has a bit of a crush on him, that he doesn't know about.