Werepuppy's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020
(08-27-2020, 09:53 PM)Lejays17 Wrote: She's a great character to look at, even though I know nothing about her at all.  Thanks for the wwiki link to get me up to speed!

Kamala is one of those characters I will always happily help people fin out more about! 

(08-28-2020, 08:05 AM)Elfy Wrote: The Toymaker being that universe's Joker does make sense, because at that time Supergirl took place in an alternate world where there was no Batman.
I can never keep up with all the Ms/Captain Marvels. My knowledge tends to run out with Carol Danvers losing her powers and later becoming Binary to take over from the Silver Surfer as Galactacus' herald.

That's true! Plus with all the odd rights issues that tie up the Bat-family characters and rogues gallery means it's unlikely we'd get a proper Joker in the DCTV verse. So I very much am in favour of Mark Hamill's Toymaker being the stand in. Ahhh, yeah that's all very complicated stuff. Comics, man, they like to get very convoluted. 

(08-28-2020, 11:21 AM)Alliecat Wrote: *nods with polite ex.pression & pretends to know what everyone's talking about*
Looks like you have quite a variety of figures.

I was collecting figures before I was collecting dolls, really, and there was a Forbidden Planet store near my university and that... probably helped being able to find figures and such. 

(08-28-2020, 07:00 PM)neon_jellyfish Wrote: *stands next to Alliecat and joins her in pretending to know what everyone's talking about*

I do remember Kamala from your photos, though.

She's still one of my all time favourite comic book characters, so I like getting as many different versions of her as I can. 

- - - 

241. L is for Leda

[Image: 74055382_33c8326729740966a8ff218f703aba05_standard.jpg]

A BeGoth today! Leda Swanson. In the Room, she's the resident mythology ex.pert, currently holding a Masters in Classics. She's hoping to go and further specialise in other mythologies - she's looking at Celtic folklore next.

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RE: Werepuppy's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020 - by werepuppy - 08-28-2020, 11:22 PM

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