davidd's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020
[Image: march3.jpg]
3 March – Doodle Tuesday – Vote Now!

And HAPPY HINA MATSURI! Usually known in the western countries as "Girls Day," the Japanese holiday Hina Matsuri, celebrated on the third day of the third month of the year, actually translates more accurately to Festival of the Dolls, and dolls representing the Emperor, Empress, and Japanese royal court play a significant role in the festivities.

Here in the United States, today is often referred to as "Super Tuesday." During Presidential election years (once every four years), several US states hold simultaneous primary elections to decide which candidates will advance to the general election later in the year. While many more states have yet to vote, on this day more states vote than on any other date during the primary election season, hence the "super" designation by the media.

With voting in the air, this seems like a good time to solicit input in a non-binding poll regarding my future with SmartDolls.

I currently own four SmartDolls: Symphony and Harmony joined me first, followed by Kanata and then Cocoa Mirai. After nearly two years since the arrival of my first SmartDoll, I still do not feel like I've "bonded" with them. They spend most of their time hidden away in their canvas tote bags.

I could go on, with a variety of pros and cons, but instead I'll cut to the chase: in the comments, please indicate whether you think I should keep 'em a while longer or sell 'em to more appreciative homes.


If they stay, the poor things will likely continue to be largely neglected.

If they go, the financial loss will likely be significant, as pre-owned SmartDolls do not command particularly high prices, but that is a loss I may have to accept. There is also a high probability that, being pre-owned, they will become the subjects of vivisection! With SmartDoll modifying and customizing becoming increasingly popular, second-hand examples are likely to end up under the knife and brush to be carved up and repainted.

I am not actively soliciting offers to purchase at this time. I am merely requesting input and subjective opinions whether to give SmartDoll ownership a little more time and effort, or to send them to more appreciative (or possibly destructive) homes.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!

Messages In This Thread
davidd's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020 - by davidd - 01-02-2020, 04:54 PM
RE: davidd's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020 - by davidd - 03-04-2020, 01:38 PM

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