PrettyTiny Film Company Pic-A-Week **2022** (#52, Dec. 29)
Lunenburg? So that means... you're very close to the mysterious Oak Island! Is that Mahone Bay in your pic?

That's so exciting! I've been watching the TV series "The Curse of Oak Island" for... it's in its tenth season now! And I've been following the story, off and on, since I was a little kid and read an article about the treasure hunt in an old magazine while sitting in the waiting room in a dentist's office.

You and the girls could find pirate treasure right there where you are! Rumors have it that many a pirate called the convoluted shoreline of Mahone Bay home, from where they preyed on passing Spanish gold galleons. Of course, the rumors are very likely just that, rumors, but still, it's an entertaining idea.

Or maybe you can find some banded Wishing Stones on that cobble beach.

Glad you're getting out to see, and share, some sights! In your pix, Canada in mid-winter looks quite pleasant and still relatively unspoiled.

Congratulations on successfully completing A Doll A Week!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!

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RE: PrettyTiny Film Company Pic-A-Week **2022** (#52, Dec. 29) - by davidd - 12-30-2022, 11:14 PM

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