davidd's A DOLL A DAY 2023
Hahaha, that’s one fat short-legged cow. I thought it was a hippo! That’s a fun beach find. Did it come home with you?
That’s why I called mine “pic a week” – plushies or other figures included.
The colours in this are really nice.
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
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(11-20-2023, 08:08 AM)Alliecat Wrote: That’s a fun beach find. Did it come home with you?

Yes, the cow came home, although perhaps it would have been happier as a free-range beach bovine.

20 November - A Doll A Day 2023:

[Image: 53345777049_435bca33b2.jpg]
Soft Sinky Sand
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Is that the kind of sand that is solid when you first step on it but if you stand there and jiggle your feet a bit, it gets sloppy and you sink in...? Looks like different material than our sand though.
Maybe the cow will be happy free-ranging in your big Utah landscape LOL
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
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(11-21-2023, 10:32 AM)Alliecat Wrote: Is that the kind of sand that is solid when you first step on it but if you stand there and jiggle your feet a bit, it gets sloppy and you sink in...?  

It is when it is wet, like when waves are receding.

21 November - A Doll A Day 2023:

[Image: 53349841170_143771f6a6.jpg]
Private Island

22 November - A Doll A Day 2023:

[Image: 53349634753_944a2b7fc9.jpg]
A Cloudy Beach Day is Still a Beach Day!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
The Pinkys are so cute. It looks like every day is a beach day.
Fun perspective and cool colours in both.
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
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23 November - A Doll A Dy 2023:

[Image: 53352311460_f0255dda56.jpg]
"Thank you, but I prefer to buy my own."
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
24 November - A Doll A Dy 2023:

[Image: nov24.jpg]
I can't believe I went there


One of the interactive photo-story games on one of the forums... a forum that usually tends to be rather tame... took a somewhat prurient turn, and I am ashamed to admit that I contributed to the crassness by offering an interpretation of the "Big Johnson" gag.

I was hoping to rein things in with a post that was in the spirit but somewhat more obliquely comical than the increasingly direct anatomical references. My effort failed.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
25 November - A Doll A Dy 2023:

[Image: 53355428801_31e844b291.jpg]
Low Tide
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
They always look so cute and happy. I can see why they would be addictive for collectors.
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
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(11-26-2023, 12:31 PM)Alliecat Wrote: I can see why they would be addictive for collectors.

Yes, Pinky Street figures had a large and devoted following... for a while. Being a largely Japanese fad, when the fad ended, it ended abruptly, as fads in Japan tend to do.

And as fads tend to do pretty much everywhere else, I guess.

26 November - A Doll A Day 2023:

[Image: 53357606485_ebaa468a4e.jpg]
Diorama Work-in-Progress

A "relatively simple" work-in-progress dollhouse diorama featuring the Gloria Happy Hour Play Set in 1/6-scale that fits on a shelf in the garage.

I see already that I shall need to fabricate a ceiling cover of some sort. Simple projects rarely remain simple.

Additionally, I neglected to check the camera lens for salt spray, hence the unintentionally diffused (aka blurry) appearance of this snapshot.

26 November - A Doll A Day 2023
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
27 November - A Doll A Day 2023:

One of my Flickr contacts posted a photo yesterday afternoon of an action figure standing in front of a computer monitor on a messy desk. For laughs, I attempted to emulate his photo by standing one of my own figures in front of a computer monitor displaying an image of his photo.

As it was a rainy afternoon and apparently we both had some time available, this back-and-forth continued through a series of "infinitely regressing" images.

[Image: 53358270073_1eb233c191.jpg]

Similar concept to the "Pullip Train" and other photos-with-a-similar-item topics on the doll forums, only with the actual previous photo in the background.

Silly, but fun.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Haha, that sounds fun. There seems to be quite a lot of interaction on these forums you mention. I miss when Dolly Market had something closer to that slash
Must be fun making the dioramas too. I can't even get time or the space to do the 2 little miniature kits I got ages ago.
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
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(11-28-2023, 12:32 PM)Alliecat Wrote: There seems to be quite a lot of interaction on these forums you mention.  I miss when Dolly Market had something closer to that.
Must be fun making the dioramas too.  I can't even get time or the space to do the 2 little miniature kits I got ages ago.

Some of the interaction is on Flickr. The fun kids to hang out with at Flickr include:

Faith's Phicens & Fashion Royalty: https://flickr.com/photos/faithsphicensandfr/
CooperSky: https://flickr.com/photos/135742756@N07
Gary Menten (sometimes mildly NSFW): https://flickr.com/photos/35531831@N02
BlondeActionMan (sometimes mildly NSFW): https://flickr.com/photos/116276346@N05
JF Ryan: https://flickr.com/photos/189010890@N06
Mayor Paprika aka Paprihaven: https://flickr.com/photos/paprihaven

The rest of the Action Figure Interaction™ is spread out among three forums: Action Man Mobile Ops (AMMO), Men With Dolls (MWD), and One Sixth Figures (OSF). There some member overlap among the forums, and a few people who are "exclusive" to one or another of them. Between three action figure forums and two dolly forums (DMF and TDH), I sometimes find it challenging to remember what I posted where and with whom I was carrying on certain conversations.

Time, space, and money, yeah, three major stumbling blocks. The latest pub diorama fits in to a 24 inch / 60 cm space on a storage shelf in the garage.

Here is the latest update to the work-in-progress pub after adding some artificial foliage (Dollar Tree store - YAY!) and quickly stringing some neon EL wire after the mini string lights that I painstakingly built in to the bar stopped working.

[Image: 53362153629_a71c4377e8_c.jpg]

And a reminder: there's plenty of time (not really) for y'all to get your pubs, clubs, bars, taverns, and other social establishments in shape for the upcoming One-Sixth Scale Holiday Pub Crawl!

Errr... you're aware of the Doll & Action Figure Holiday Pub Crawl, right?  Oh My
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
(11-29-2023, 06:35 AM)davidd Wrote: Between three action figure forums and two dolly forums (DMF and TDH)..., I sometimes find it challenging to remember what I posted where and with whom I was carrying on certain conversations.
*sigh* that's me in real life. I just told you all that in my last e-mail? That was you? ....oops
I already told you about that thing last time I ran into you? ...oops

Anyway, the diorama looks good and already has a sense of atmosphere. I like seeing what you re-purpose, like the fashionable tin can smile
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
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(11-29-2023, 05:18 PM)Alliecat Wrote: I like seeing what you re-purpose, like the fashionable tin can.

One can (!) BUY 1/6-scale storage drums made of plastic online at a somewhat ridiculous cost, or one can scavenge bean tins made of real metal out of the recycle bin for free. If you find ones that have been sitting for a while it's not even necessary to paint on the fake rust! yay

29 November - A Doll A Day 2023:

[Image: 53364402600_2972886017.jpg]
Infinite Regression ad Infinitum
They're not dolls, they're action figures!

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