DeadlyNova's A Doll WHENEVER I FEEL LIKE IT - 2019 Edition
These are a pair of lovely ladies. I remember these types of dolls being around when I was a kid, usually as a decorative item for frou frou type bedrooms. I think they even made lamps out of them.

I've seen them referred more recently as "Pose" dolls which includes the Bradely dolls and other makers. About the time the interest in collecting original Blythes got started, some of these vintage Pose dolls came back into vogue in Japan and the interest bled over to the Blythe community. I have a Pinterest board full of them here, if you'd like some eye candy:

People were buying, restoring, and customizing them. Takara, who makes the current Blythes not to mention Licca and Jenny, even produced a pair of vinyl dolls inspired by them. Here's a link to the artist who was behind their design and who led that craze:
And a link to someone else's photos of the vinyl pair of Osyalle dolls that were produced:

There's a couple of Flickr groups:

Someone even made little miniture versions, if I can find a picture of them I'll add it to this post.

And that's probably more than you ever wanted to know about these dolls.LOL

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RE: DeadlyNova Takes on A Doll A Day - 2019 Edition - by Cornflower Blue - 02-01-2019, 01:34 PM

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