PrettyTiny Film Company Pic A Week *2020*! (The END!!)
Thanks everyone. Yes, the “no snow“ thing and spring in February is pretty darn awesome. Where I live is three months behind. Cry  The hike was advertised as “an easy accessible hike perfect for any level of hiker“. It was absolutely not. It was very steep and took twice as long as suggested, and I didn’t even stop that many times for pictures. The descent into the bottom of the creek gorge was almost vertical, the falls you are “supposed“ to get to, you could only see the top, and the vertical descent to the bottom of that one was blocked off with danger signs. Oh well… Have seen some other gorgeous waterfalls and truly awesome big trees.  Sunsette will be narrating our adventures when I get home and download the photos.

Doubleheader for this week’s photo.
I made this!!! !
... well, OK, glass-shop guy did most of it. I did more on the first one but the pipe was blocked, which became apparent after I had nearly blown my brains out trying to make a bubble in it, so we had to start over.
Anyway, Robert Held Art Glass offers a one-on-one session in their shop where a glassmaker helps you make something. Always thought it would be neat to be able to do, so this was really very cool. Unfortunately, it takes several thousand dollars worth of investment to set up to do something like this, not to mention the training, so I probably won’t be opening a glass shop.  sad

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(what a long battle it is to post anything on this phone  Irritated )
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RE: PrettyTiny Film Company Pic A Week *2020*! (#9, Mar. 5) - by Alliecat - 03-06-2020, 05:44 PM

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