~dargosmydaddy's a-doll-a-week 2022~
Quote:Beautiful soulful eyes like that
Quote:Spectacular eyes on this girl!

KiraKira eyechips have always been my favorites... now that her shop is no longer around, I wish I could find someone else that makes dark brown, realistic chips. The market is sadly lacking! My current favorite etsy shop is this one; I just wish they'd do a bigger variety of browns: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ChunSupplies?search_query=eye

Quote:Beautiful soulful eyes like that make me wonder if I could change some eyechips myself… Haven’t been brave enough to try yet though.

You should totally bite the bullet... I've changed dozens of pairs, and the only one that gave me issues in terms of the eyechips themselves was the Yeolume that I posted about... and even she turned out OK in the end! My biggest issue is usually screws that refuse to budge in opening up the head (I still have 3 or 4 dolls that I've never been able to open, despite repeated attempts), but changing out the eyes themselves is really not bad at all. A Dal would be super simple to do because you don't have to worry about the eye-blink mechanism, but even the Pullips just take a bit of patience in terms of getting everything to fit together correctly-- it sounds much more daunting than it is!

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RE: ~dargosmydaddy's a-doll-a-week 2022~ - by dargosmydaddy - 05-30-2022, 09:41 AM

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