My First Kenner Blythe! Lottie Lemon!
[Image: 28469143966_0e1acd4c96_z.jpg]Lottie <3 ☆ADAW 28/52☆ by Antique Wolf, on Flickr
Meet Lottie~ Lottie is a side part blonde 7 line kenner!! Kenners have been my dream for a very very long time! It's so amazing to finally own one! As you can see Miss Lottie here resembles a lemon with how yellow her face is!! Its okay tho I plan on restoring her to her original glory, I will most likely send her off for this. She might also see some new hair.
She is simply amazing and I love her to bits!
A little addendum to this, I'm still in shock of how good of condition she is! ( I mean minus the yellowing the hardest thing to fix Irritated ) She has no cracks at all even on her body, all her chips are shiny and pretty. Eyemech works perfect she has all her eyelashes and makeup even blush! The only thing (Other then that darn yellowing Cry ) Is her hair. Its pretty good, in terms of kenner standards but in term of my standards I can't stand it her ends of frizzy and an uneven cut. Which is typical for the kenner side parts to have. It's just not for me unfortunately. I will try to fix it up as best as I can but it's a solid 80% chance she will get some lovely new golden locks.

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My First Kenner Blythe! Lottie Lemon! - by Pink Haired Freak - 07-24-2016, 01:19 PM

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