DeadlyNova's A Doll WHENEVER I FEEL LIKE IT - 2019 Edition
Ooh, I've been hearing a lot of Magic Attic Club recently - a friend of mine keeps insisting that I go looking for one of them instead of American Girl. (I like the stuff that tends to be sold with AG dolls, not so much the dolls themselves, though there are some ex-ceptions.) Allison has such a little knowing smile to her, like she's so sure you and her are going to have the greatest of adventures together. If those are the original eyes in that one featured, then they've held up very well over the years - they're lovely and clear! (I've heard 18 inch dolls can have an issue with clouded eyes over time.)

But, yes! It will be lovely to see your MAC gang!

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RE: DeadlyNova Takes on A Doll A Day - 2019 Edition - by werepuppy - 01-10-2019, 11:23 PM

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