DeadlyNova's A Doll WHENEVER I FEEL LIKE IT - 2019 Edition
Thank you guys for your comments! I was on the phone with the post office when I found the box, and the lady on the phone sounded very angry about it and said she was going to find out who was responsible. Not sure what came of it, but I do know it wasn't my usual mail carrier that day. Also, apparently she had scanned it as 'delivered' before she even left the post office that day, which had baffled the lady I was on the phone with as well. I get that it's a holiday(although it wasn't even one that people celebrate, I think it was like, Columbus day or something) and you want to go home, but that's no reason to pull that kind of crap.

Anyway, day 16!
[Image: 32897519598_8a59279e2c_z.jpg]ADAD 2019 16/365 by Haley, on Flickr
I know I just had a Barbie day before yesterday, but does this really count??? It's PJ!
The very first PJ to be precise! Twist 'n' Turn PJ! I have her original outfit, but right now I have her dressed in this vintage off-brand outfit that I got with her, as she came with a huge box of vintage clothing when I bought her at a comic-book store in Savannah, GA, during my sister's bachelorette party! She was kind of my soul comfort while I cried in the hotel room while suffering from second degree sunburns while my sister and the other bridesmaids barhopped. The burns were so bad that my skin is still discolored in some places, and this was back in October. At least I could take some comfort in having a doll to fiddle with. <3

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RE: DeadlyNova Takes on A Doll A Day - 2019 Edition - by DeadlyNova - 01-17-2019, 04:49 PM

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