Marasmius (myufish Dal custom) wearing Matulite
When I sent my Taeyang Ashtur's sister off to myufish to be modified, I sent a second Dal (formerly a Colline) for a complete faceup. Matulite's stock finally arrived so I was able to dress her and pick out a wig.

Presenting - Marasmius! (Since she came from myufish I figured she needed a mushroom name.)
[Image: marasmiussm16.jpg]

I planned to give her a brown wig, or maybe a pink and brown wig, or possibly a black wig. But, as I was going through my box of wigs I decided to try on Sakura's wig and just kept coming back to it. I think it's perfect for her.
[Image: marasmiussm1.jpg]

[Image: marasmiussm2.jpg]

[Image: marasmiussm3.jpg]

She's a Hime Princess Girl!
Marasmius: Excuse me, but I'm a Hime Mushroom Princess!
[Image: marasmiussm4.jpg]

She is wearing most of Matulite's stock. She is on an obitsu, and I just could not get the shrug on over her sleeves. Also, she had a bow on her necklace but it wouldn't sit right so I removed it.
[Image: marasmiussm5.jpg]

[Image: marasmiussm6.jpg]

[Image: marasmiussm7.jpg]

[Image: marasmiussm8.jpg]

[Image: marasmiussm9.jpg]

[Image: marasmiussm10.jpg]

[Image: marasmiussm11.jpg]

Her shoes are like those of Lunatic Alice.
[Image: marasmiussm12.jpg]

[Image: marasmiussm13.jpg]

[Image: marasmiussm14.jpg]

[Image: marasmiussm15.jpg]

Myfish did a phenomenal job (like always) on her faceup.
[Image: marasmiussm18.jpg]

Isn't she adorable?
[Image: marasmiussm19.jpg]

Thanks, myufish!
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2024. The theme is Retro Memories Sweet Sixteen.
She's amazing!!! ♥ her face up is adorable and so delicate!
Own: My Melody, Cornice, Haute NY, Prunella, Veritas, Shinku, Paja, Mercu, Oren, Chill, Cinciallegra, Zuora, Rida, Principessa, Anne Shirley, Elisabeth, Angry, Magical Pink, Monomono, Clair

My Flickr

She looks stunning!
She is super-kawaii! smile
Currently playing:  Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the Nintendo Switch
Friend Code 2036-6707-2961 (KiraKira)
Currently reading: If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha
Last movie I saw:  Parasite
She is so pretty!!! I love the wig on her!!! Everything goes together so well!!!
she is perfect, True smile Absolutely stunning !
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
wow - i love her - i love Myufish's work so much yay
She is sheer perfection! And that Matulite's stock is awesome on her. Heart 2
What a beauty! She looks soooo cute!Happy
Tatianna (Uncanricky), Kittie (Naomi), Omega/Mini-Me (Grell), Alys (Yeolume), Priscilla (Eris), Grell (Male Grell), Nanachan (Nanachan), Sebastianne (Stica), Natalie (Natalie), Sylvie Valentine (Premium Pullip Veritas Crimson Version), Strawberry Rose (Siry), Karen (Karen), Marie (Marie), Angela (Cheshire Cat Steampunk), Alice (Optical Alice), Noir (Regen Noir), Jeanne (Jeanne)
Pullip Alura, Pullip Elizabeth Always on the hunt for Re-Ment
she has done a great great job, I really love her face up!! and the detail of her chips is really beautifull!
she is stunning! you're right about that wig, it really suits her. myufish has such a talent with face ups, her work makes me go wow every time!

Thanks for the comments everyone! All the credit for the faceup goes to myufish. I picked out the chips (glass taxidermy animal eyes), but she put the embellishments on them. I'm happy to have found the perfect wig and outfit to go with her face.
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2024. The theme is Retro Memories Sweet Sixteen.
She's so beautiful! Congrats!
Oh my gosh, so cute! And the outfit and wig suit her really well. smile
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2024. The theme is Retro Memories Sweet Sixteen.

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