DeadlyNova's A Doll WHENEVER I FEEL LIKE IT - 2019 Edition
Thank you guys so much!!! <3

@Alliecat: aloha to your aloalo! <3 There might be some Q-Posket knockoffs, i only have Victor and Yuri from Yuri on Ice. I've been interested in some of their disney princess ones but don't really have the room for them at the moment.

Day 12:
I don't have too much to say today because I'm dead tired and want to go to bed, but forced myself to take this photo and upload it first. So here's my laziest shot yet, a shelf photo of my pop figure of Tamaki from Ouran High School Host Club.
[Image: 45806914905_aaaf994355_z.jpg]ADAD 2019 12/365 by Haley, on Flickr

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RE: DeadlyNova Takes on A Doll A Day - 2019 Edition - by DeadlyNova - 01-13-2019, 04:32 PM

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