DeadlyNova's A Doll WHENEVER I FEEL LIKE IT - 2019 Edition
Thank you guys!!

@Fishy: The mangaka did get sick, but he still updates it. The manga has been going on for 20 years, but the past 7 or so years he only writes a few chapters a year. It's a bit torturous because it's been in the most boring arc in the entire manga this entire time. Hopefully he'll finish it eventually! He really seems to want to. He says if he dies before it's done he wants his wife to finish it, and I trust her. (She's the mangaka behind Sailor Moon.)

Here's day 18, guys!
[Image: 46744695462_0a8b2641af_z.jpg]ADAD 2019 18/365 by Haley, on Flickr
I don't know how many of you remember that I collect vintage Alvin and the Chipmunks merchandise, but it's one of my biggest collections! Here's a vintage Ideal doll from 1984 of Eleanor Miller from The Chipettes! <3

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RE: DeadlyNova Takes on A Doll A Day - 2019 Edition - by DeadlyNova - 01-19-2019, 05:11 PM

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