~dargosmydaddy's a-doll-a-week 2022~
Quote:I’m impressed with altering a dress for skinny Barbies to fit that body. Was it difficult? Good to know that Mimiwoo sneakers are an option. What size did you get?

I think the Eleanor Roosevelt doll was one of the plus size/ curvy/ whatever-they-call them Barbies. The dress was HUGE! All I did was remove the sleeves and cut about three inches off the skirt and hem everything up. The bodice is still pretty baggy on the RH girl, and I might try to reposition the velcro or add a snap at some point, but it's good enough for now.

I did try a regular-size Barbie dress on her, though, and it fit OK... couldn't completely close the Velcro in the back, but it looked fine from the front (though a tad long). Pants did not work, as they wouldn't get over those wide hips. I'll try to do a more extensive see-what-fits ex.periment and take some pictures. The Mimiwoo sneakers were the Pullip/ Blythe size, which is all I have on hand. I tried a pair of Mimiwoo tall boots first (which would have gone better with the dress), but those didn't fit. There are a lot of RH outfit pieces for sale for decent-ish prices on ebay and Mercari, so I might get some pants and shoes there.

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RE: ~dargosmydaddy's a-doll-a-week 2022~ - by dargosmydaddy - 06-20-2022, 08:47 AM

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