Cereza (Pullip Lunatic Queen)
My pullip Lunatic Queen, she is sooooooooooooo cute!!!!!


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nice background...but why is she a lonely queen? Guess you meant lunatic?
Do you mean Lunatic queen?

She is gorgeous, I wanna get her one day <3

Ops!!! sorry!!! Lunatic Queen, jejeje!!!! >.<
she is gorgeous, congratulations smile
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
She's gorgeous!
Ooh that's the first time I see LQ's golden eye-lids. Pretty!
really pretty face up !
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Oooh, lovely, I want one so much!
Thank's!!!!! ^___^
She's so pretty! That wig and those eyelashes! Ah! I can't wait for mine to get here!

& I absolutely love that black and white background you used! It suits her perfectly!
My Girls:[Image: Pixel_CheshireCat_C.png][Image: Pixel_Shan-ria_C.png][Image: Mir2-1.gif][Image: Pixel_Elisabeth_C.png][Image: Alice.gif][Image: Clara.gif][Image: Zuora.gif][Image: Mir2-1.gif][Image: Nann-ato.gif][Image: Pixel_CheshireCat_C.png]

Wanted: Black Angelic Pretty outfit and Harley Quinn's stock FULL WANT LIST
Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!
I hope your lunatic queen come soon.


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