I'm a bit late for the official Talk like a Pirate day, but here goes:

[Image: 6231071360_b5f8ffaa2e_z.jpg]
Robin: Hmmm...

[Image: 6230552995_34f57527ea_z.jpg]
Captain: Ahoy, me proud beauty! That be a mighty fine treasure map ye gots thar.

[Image: 6231070692_99f7c42255_z.jpg]
Captain Edward: Be this how ye greets yer old friend Cap'n Edward? I take it yer not in the mood fer sharing yer treasure?

[Image: 6230552143_9e125a2317_z.jpg]
Captain Edward: C’mere, me beauty!

I ran out of ideas for talk like a pirate captions, Arrgh! So here's a couple bouns pics and there are more on my Flickr.

[Image: 6231069926_830d7c5f75_z.jpg]

[Image: 6219003397_972af2565e_z.jpg]
I just love LRRH out of her stock wig! She's a beauty. And very cute with Edward.
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
She suites the pirate look smile cute piccies!

yeah I was just thinking how pretty the girl is, she's a LRRH I take it from trues comment, her mouth is lovely, is that stock?
At Home*Kira (Akoya),____Kayleigh (Full custom by Myufish)____Kara (Kirsche)*
Thanks! Yes, indeed, she's the original, type 2 Little Red Riding Hood. She's rewigged, obitsued, but otherwise her faceup is stock. She's wearing a Moxie Girlz pirate dress.

Her stock wine red wig is entirely the wrong shade of red for her (what were they thinking?), she needs a warm red color, not a cool red color. And the longer bangs help keep her yellow eye shadow from being too overpowering and draws your attention to her brilliant green eyes.

I think she's awesome!
*obnoxiously barging into the thread to share the LRRH love*
Here is my LRRH Moss in green:
[Image: smreclaim20.jpg]

(More photos here: http://pullipstyle.com/resource/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=33930
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
She is very beautiful! wink
Barge away, TrueFan, and share the LRRH love. I like the moss green on her too. You know I think I have a wig that color lurking in the wig box, I just might have to dig it out and give it a try.

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