This Is A B/s/t Forum But I See No B/s/t!
i've done all the requirements, and PM kanamai (several times actually.) all on wednesdays as well, but i still haven't gotten any response. is there something im missing?
You aren't missing anything that I can tell from your post. I presume you've made yourself a Feedback thread?

Could be Kanamai's RL is hectic and she just hasn't gotten to it yet. Hopefully she'll get to it soon for you.
ok thanks, i hope so too. Happy
I am waiting too. smile
(12-16-2010, 02:25 AM)19akatsuki85 Wrote: I believe I've met the requirements and pmed Kanamai on Wednesday D: Does it mean if she sees the pm on Thursday, I won't get market access until next Wednesday? tt

I sent Kanamai a PM on Wednesday night and got B/S/T access on Friday. Happy
[Image: 49035651448_1fbe84a2fc_o_d.jpg]

So to get access I need to send a pm to Kanamai with my feedback thread and it also needs to include the links to my positive feedbacks on other sites?? This is a bit confusing.
I send an mp to Kanami with my ebay's feedback. It just the feedback or also I need the 15 posts?
Nulla è reale, tutto è lecito. Requiescat en pace

[Image: 6023292626_b737b12c20.jpg]

(10-29-2011, 04:10 AM)near Wrote: I send an mp to Kanami with my ebay's feedback. It just the feedback or also I need the 15 posts?

you need to post a Feedback thread here at Dolly Market and you need to make at least 15 posts on the forums yay
To me it seems the rules on B/S/T need to be revised to say when you PM Kanamai you must include links to your feedback and whatnot. I have PM'ed her at least twice (once was over 3 weeks ago) and still nothing. I guess I'll send her another PM with links to my feedback.
[Image: ChloeChloeAnteSig.gif][Image: UnoaLusis.gif]:heart2:
I've sent Kanamai couple of PM's.
I've met all requirements, made an feedback thread
(it was the first thing I did)
and sent her a link of my DOA feedback thread.

How long does it usually take to be granted access to the bst thread?
( ・ิω・)ノิ check out my other blogs:
tumblr DOA
It normally takes at least a week or two ^^;
Flickr : Twitter: Tumblr : Facebook
[Image: 6298891632_a2df2e3dbd.jpg]
Ordered: Dollzone Venus Halo, Halo and Halo Strayer 
That's great to know, thanks ~
( ・ิω・)ノิ check out my other blogs:
tumblr DOA
So I sent a request today. Will I have to send it again on Wednesday ?? That doesn't make much sense to me....
I have met all of the requirements including link and I don't want to sell I just want to buy really badly. I hope I don't have to send it all again and again.
Please Pm Kanamai on Wednesday with all the necessary details, she only grants bst access then if you pm at any other time it may overlooked and forgotten by the time Wednesday rolls around.
Flickr : Twitter: Tumblr : Facebook
[Image: 6298891632_a2df2e3dbd.jpg]
Ordered: Dollzone Venus Halo, Halo and Halo Strayer 
Alright I'll send it all one more time Wednesday morning then . Thanks

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