My twins <3
I took a few quick piccies of Kenna & Skylar earlier in the week, enjoy! smile

[Image: 8103245988_37b4abcb65.jpg]
20121011_115452 by Lilcurly, on Flickr

[Image: 8103251284_0c564361b8.jpg]
20121011_121303 by Lilcurly, on Flickr

[Image: 8103250082_a67e05c67a.jpg]
20121011_121334 by Lilcurly, on Flickr

[Image: 8103236103_db3dbab7a6.jpg]
20121011_121343 by Lilcurly, on Flickr

[Image: 8103235429_8b87ddae99.jpg]
20121011_121429 by Lilcurly, on Flickr

Pink/purple overload! lol smile

They look great! They may be twins, but the each have their own personality that really comes out in the pictures. I really like the skully dresses. Did you make those?
Currently reading: The Friday Society
I love your twins--who are the same, yet very different! Is Kenna the older twin? Skylar seems like she'd be the younger of the two...

I also love the skull dresses...they are so awesome. smile
Currently playing:  Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the Nintendo Switch
Friend Code 2036-6707-2961 (KiraKira)
Currently reading: If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha
Last movie I saw:  Parasite
I did make the skull dresses yes smile They're just elasticated tubes with a bit of shaping around the top.

It was going to be that Kenna was the shyer twin, & Skylar was a more outgoing party type, but once I got her wig on & got her styled they kinda swapped places :p Kenna's the slightly louder one & Skylar's shy & quiet. They're both the same age as they're twins, but I guess considering their personalities Kenna would have been born a few minutes before hand.

AWWW! They are such girly girls with the pink and purple theme.
I like that skeleton material for the dresses. So punkalicious!

Thanks for sharing.
It was a top of mine, one of my favourites, but it went funky under the arms sad So It got used for dolly clothes instead lol. I have a box full of old clothes ready for sewing smile

Wow! How creative are you?! These girls are just too cute! I love them!
Tatianna (Uncanricky), Kittie (Naomi), Omega/Mini-Me (Grell), Alys (Yeolume), Priscilla (Eris), Grell (Male Grell), Nanachan (Nanachan), Sebastianne (Stica), Natalie (Natalie), Sylvie Valentine (Premium Pullip Veritas Crimson Version), Strawberry Rose (Siry), Karen (Karen), Marie (Marie), Angela (Cheshire Cat Steampunk), Alice (Optical Alice), Noir (Regen Noir), Jeanne (Jeanne)
Pullip Alura, Pullip Elizabeth Always on the hunt for Re-Ment
Lol, thanks Kitten-squid! :p

Those wigs are pretty cool! :3
I love how they match, but at the same are different

[Image: tumblr_inline_mj98vnbBX81qz4rgp.gif]

// stuff i want~♥♥
^Thank you smile

I love how colorful they are!
Thanks! smile

That girls are so cute!!! I love them!!

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