San Francisco meet: 11/17/12
Aww that's sweet of you~! I'm pretty sure I'm coming as long as there are no family emergencies.
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I just want an excuse to bring macarons or something cute and doll sized? XD At the very least, I will make cookies.
It's started raining on my end of the bay so I'll have to start checking the forecast daily since there are just 9 days left until the meet. So far the forecast is clear.
[Image: Mw3ui.gif] [Image: F8jTr.gif]
It's been rainy in SF, too. Hopefully it will stay clear after the rain that is supposed to come early next week.
(oooo, cookies!)
Taeyangs: Sebastian, Horizon, Maguna, Sol, Sebastian Tutor
Dal: Sooni
Pullip: Custom
Isul: Jimmy
Ugh so much rain of late, I'm crossing fingers that the 17th is rain free! Doll sized food will be so adorable if you do that! grin
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It was clear yesterday and seems to be pretty clear (and even warm! At least in my neck of the woods) today, so I'm crossing my fingers! I guess we should start trying to decide where we want to meet if it does rain though. My ideas were Tan Tan, YakiniQ, or Cafe Hana. Does anyone have anywhere else??
I've also heard that the little cafe on the first floor of the New People building has good slow-drip coffee and as long as the tables aren't filled up, there is a fair bit of room. I'm thinking we'd only need one or two tables though.
[Image: Mw3ui.gif] [Image: F8jTr.gif]
I'm excited. It's gotten a little chilly (in fact I've caught a rather nasty cold sad ) but hopefully I'll heal by Saturday.

I vote for Tan Tan I guess if it rains? I haven't been to any of these, but they sound good. smile

Hope to see you all on Saturday! I have two of my dolls are dressed and ready, just trying to decide on who else. XD
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Oh no, I hope you feel better soon! I've been using this site for weather, and now it's saying that there's a chance of showers for Saturday >_>. I'm happy with wherever we end up, so Tan Tan is fine with me!

I don't think I'll have time to make new outfits (I slacked off! And then I hurt my hand. Whoops!) so I guess I'll get my guys dressed up. Maybe at the very least I can make my Tae a nice coat that isn't overly ridiculous. I feel like I should start planning out outfits too, but I imagine I'll end up stuffing Johan in a new outfit right before I go to bed on Friday.
[Image: Mw3ui.gif] [Image: F8jTr.gif]
Vanie - Oh dear, feel better soon!

I still need to figure out who I am bringing along with Nella (maybe two others?), you guys are waaay ahead of me there! Ugh, dressing. Umm...maybe I'll just leave them as is? XD

YakiniQ looks very tasty in their photo's, but I've never been there. Cafe Hana has fantastic coffee mocha flavored cake. :3 Heck, I'm game for anywhere! XD Although I can say that TanTan is usually nice and quiet.
Heart 2 Loves her crazy plastic crew. Heart 2
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I'm trying to get better. It's evolved into a coughing fit and I've been working from home for 2 days now. ;_;

I really hope it does not rain. smile
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I just looked at the weather and it claims rain rain rain starting tonight. Bah!!! sad
Heart 2 Loves her crazy plastic crew. Heart 2
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I noticed that too! I guess we should probably settle on going to Tan Tan if it's raining then. Why don't we meet up outside there near all of the little benches and then we can all decide if we want to go to Tan Tan, Cafe Hana, YakiniQ or somewhere else entirely.
[Image: Mw3ui.gif] [Image: F8jTr.gif]
Alright, sounds like a plan.
Heart 2 Loves her crazy plastic crew. Heart 2
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I updated the first post with the new info! It's a shame it's going to rain because the lighting in J-town isn't that great, but I'm still really excited!
[Image: Mw3ui.gif] [Image: F8jTr.gif]
Well....we can always hope that there will be a break in the rain and we can dash outside for a bit. Totally crossing fingers here so we can at least get a nice group shot.
Heart 2 Loves her crazy plastic crew. Heart 2
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I don't think I can make it tomorrow. I've been sick all week and haven't even been to work for 3 days. sad With the weather like this, I don't think it's wise for me to go out tomorrow (even though I really, really want to!) I'm looking forward to pics though. And I hope to see you all soon for the next one!!
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