Daily Photo Thread
Here's my long-awaited, first forum-posted photo of my grail BJD, Karis. He is very hard to photograph because of the pigment in his inner eye sockets, which we discussed recently in the BJD general chat thread.

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Luts SDF Karis by vadafade, on Flickr
Vadafade, he's so gorgeous! I remember reading about your unhappiness with his "raccoon-eyed makeup" in the BJD thread, but he does look very handsome here. Special 3 Are you still thinking of sanding that dark pigment out, getting him a faceup touch-up, or something like that?
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Pullip & Co: Myufish Custom: Josie, Aquel: Rhapsody, Celsiy: Miri, Galene: Lark
Ra Muw: Winifred, Dotori: Chloe, Yeolume Podo: Maisie Jane, Neko Mao: Nico, Tiger Lily: Autumn
Blythe: Simply Delight: Mika, Puchippu Chappu Pepa: Rumiko
Aww, why thank you, pixachii! Heart Yes, I still would very much like to remove the pigmentation around his inner eye sockets. I think I could deal with his too-low brows if only he didn't look so sleep-deprived. wink I will probably eventually do it myself when I come across some very fine-grit sandpaper.
that is a very very handsome fella you have there!

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this is penny, the traveling yeolume, on her whale watching trip. i know i posted the photos in her thread, but she just looked so cute here i couldn't resist.
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Meet Molly by PaleAngelLex, on Flickr

I finally got off my butt and took a picture of Princess Ann, or Molly as she's now known. Maybe later I'll get pictures of some of the stuff I've been making, but don't hold your breath.
Currently reading: The Friday Society
She's very pretty in that red wig! Stuff you've been making? We like to see stuff you've been making.

I swapped out Dev's dark blue, pits of doom eyes for these too bright ones from one of my Mystic Kids. At least he doesn't look like his eyes are solid black any more. I wonder if they glow in the dark?
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I don't know if they glow in the dark, but they look like they're glowing in that picture. I kind of like the effect, but I can see how it might not be what you want.
Currently reading: The Friday Society
Cats & Dolls :3

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Here is Buzz, looking annoyed at posing with Jinafire. (He was in my way, what else was I supposed to do?)

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And there is Juliet, caught in the act, trying to run off with Kaylee. You can see some of my MH collection in the background!
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Giles and Hecate looking all classy. 8)
*My dolls*
Evie -Kiyomi- River -Lunatic Queen- Hecate -Bloody RR- Lotti -Classical Alice- Lucina -Neo Noir-

Sigma -Gackt- Kaidan -Kain- Crow -Sebastian Private Tutor- Ghost -Hitsugi- Giles -Gyro- Dixon -Valko- Tora -Mad Hatter-
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Kaylee in her new outfit! (I didn't make this one, it's from etsy!)
Severity, you have the cutest clothing, ever! That shirt is adorable.

Here's my pic for the day!

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Wig Making by PaleAngelLex, on Flickr

I made a wig! It's not that bright under indoor lighting, but take it outside and it's like WHAM! I kind of love it. One object off the secret project list!
Currently reading: The Friday Society
It looks amazing, both style and colour! Was is hard to make?
{Home} Principessa - Noir - R.Noir - Neo Noir - Barasuishou x 2 - My Melody - Prunella - Milch - Fanatica - Seila - BRH - Nina - Pinocchio - Kanta - Tiger Lily - Mami Tomoe - Madoka Kaname - Alte - Hatsune Miku - Nahh-ato
Youtsuzu - Tina - ChinaChina - Carol - Pere Noel - Marie Antoinette - Bremen Cat - MIO
Volks: DD Miko & Yukino - MDD DWC01 - Sara - Saki - F-45 - F-48 // Fairyland: F60 Chloe - Rin - Scarlett ~ MNF Soo - Rheia - Celine - Elf Rin - Mio ~ PKF Rin  // Bambicrony:  Marion - Charity // Luts: Vampire Chiwoo // Doll Factory: Conie Unicorn // Latidoll: Lea // Alchemic Labo: Unoa Lusis // Doll In Mind: Larina - Bellosse // Peak's Woods: Sassy Rosy //  Crobidoll: Marisol //  Lillycat: Ninon //
Supiadoll: Ariel // Soom: Ior - Picro - Leepy // Atelier Momoni: Momonita // Shoushou: Nico // Petit Soiree: Madeleine // KanaDoll: Ribbon  // {Waiting} ~Volks Lieselotte ~
Swoosh. Flying by to drop off a pic of my little sweetheart. I love her so, I really don't know why I haven't found a name for her yet.. Sorry about the poor quality, no light when I had the time to take pics. I got this dress for her today, it's perfect for her. I love these dresses. I love everyones pics and dollies <3.

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New dress smile by Buzzingbumblebee, on Flickr
Call me Bee =(^-^)=
My Blythe customising blog: http://beesdreamland.com/
@Buzzingbumblebee- That dress is adorable!! The maker did such a great job using that print smile

@martah- It was super easy. It's one piece of fun fur that has four seams. If I think of it when I'm at the fiance's house, I'll use his scanner and make a pattern. It's a really nifty pattern that took a little figuring. Once that was done, it only took about 20-30 minutes to make, and that was due to the hand sewing.
Currently reading: The Friday Society
The dress sure is awesome. Now both my dolly toddler and my human toddler wear Hello Kitty dresses grin.
Call me Bee =(^-^)=
My Blythe customising blog: http://beesdreamland.com/

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