Things to do when your owner is away~
Mess with her webcam of course !

[Image: tumblr_n47shuFJl01tsj58xo1_1280.gif]
Hello everyone Heart Heart 2

[Image: tumblr_n47shuFJl01tsj58xo4_r1_400.gif]
/blocks camera xd

[Image: tumblr_n47shuFJl01tsj58xo2_1280.gif]
Where should I hide her lipgloss ? right

[Image: tumblr_n47shuFJl01tsj58xo3_500.gif]
Keep this secret between us ok ?

Heart 2 Heart 2 Heart 2

Doll perspective aside, now that I'm on my mid-semester break, I can finally play around more with my dolls ! xD
Well, doll.
Because technically Gato is the only doll I've been displaying, dressing, and playing with properly

I have other Taes but I don't feel like playing/taking pics of them until I'm 100% finished with finalising their whole look, so they're kind of just sitting there and waiting (their stuff should arrive anytime around early May though, so it won't be for long ! I hope I get the order right this time, the wigs I bought for them before just don't look good at all Dead)

But anyways, I hope you guys like the mini gif sets of this spoiled little boy -and happy easter for those celebrating it as well ! yay
Happy Easter to you too! That was very entertaining--it's pretty startling to see a Taeyang moving around.
Currently playing:  Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the Nintendo Switch
Friend Code 2036-6707-2961 (KiraKira)
Currently reading: If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha
Last movie I saw:  Parasite
Hehe! That was cute!
I love it! Your Tae is adorable! Heart 2
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
He is super cute <3. Love it.
Call me Bee =(^-^)=
My Blythe customising blog:
This is great! Super creative! xD It's almost like a peek into toy story hahahah xD

I imagine my crew here having all sorts of adventures when i'm away, afterall I have a pretty big cast now! XD
[Image: dasdadasdadadasd.png]
I love it! He is super cute grin
He is super cute!
Scarlettb's pullip doll reviews on youtube!

I love it! He's so adorable, and his wig is to die for!
Aww he's so cute, I love him! And you did a good job with the gifs, did you use tumblr's gif making function?
Hahaha, cute! I also wonder how you made the GIFs.
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
[Image: 52754230731_a6068b46d4_o.jpg][Image: 50534896333_d4a2b8e718_o.jpg][Image: 52754472289_1f6d6c34b1_o.jpg][Image: 49782607208_b108a0ee26_o.jpg]
Haha! That was unexpected.
I love his wig, he's so cute~ ;u;
Thanks for the comments everyone!

And as for the gif -I made them with photoshop, sounds difficult when I first heard about it, but turns out that I just needed to put the pics on top of one another and make an animation with it xD

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