Io P-102 August 2013 photos and review
"Like the blue sky, Like the green forest, Like the pitch black night... Wearing colors and stepping out with excited... Feel Like So."

Io is a gorgeous doll. I know many people are disappointed that the original Peacock custom was not made into a commercial doll, but she was very elaborate. Io is a compromise.
[Image: Io1.jpg]

[Image: Io2.jpg]

[Image: Io3.jpg]

Io has a beautiful faceup. Her wig is a lovely color, but a bit frizzy. Soft, though. I just adore the color! I’m not a big fan of glittery chips, but they work on her.
[Image: Io4.jpg]
Her shoes are very cute. Her teal stockings have a pronounced pattern and texture to them.
[Image: Io5.jpg]

She has a few peacock feathers on her skirt, and a big pink feather on her hat.
[Image: Io6.jpg]

[Image: Io8.jpg]

Her hat is difficult to position on her head.
[Image: Io7.jpg]

[Image: Io9.jpg]

I like how her peacock stock works together.
[Image: Io10.jpg]

I’m really happy with her, and she looks beautiful with Loa.
[Image: Io11.jpg]

[Image: Io12.jpg]
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
She is adorable not the top of my list but I do like her as a whole.
Io and Loa really do look so cute together. I love Io's face-up and her outfit looks so fun.
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Oh, I really like her! What color are her eyelids? These are the first owner pictures I've ever seen and she's just so lovely. I LOVE peacocks and baby peacocks are just the cutest things in the world. (Google image it the next time you're feeling down, guaranteed smile unless you don't like birds!)

...great, -another- doll I want :p
You know, I think she's pretty. But I feel like she's overshadowed by all the other pink girls that got released about the same time and since, like Akemi, the pink Tokidoki girl, and pink Miku.
She really is pretty but not on top of the list to get, congratulations smile
Scarlettb's pullip doll reviews on youtube!

She is really pretty! She has a wide eyed look and I think it makes her adorable smile
I agree with CB... She did kind of get overlooked with all the pink girls they seemed to release all around the same time. I forgot about her until just now actually. And for a new girl I actually like her faceup (those eyebrows!).
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I agree with the others, quite wrong timing for her. I also saw owner photos of her now. She's really beautiful put together, especially her hair and eyes smile
Thanks for the photos True!
[My Flickr]
ISO: Pullip Yuki stock wig / Pullip Panda glasses / Dal Tweety stock outfit / Byul Secomi stock outfit

Thanks for all the comments! I can't believe I forgot to take a photo of her eyelids. I didn't even notice what color they are. I'll check and report back. I mainly wanted her to go with Loa, but overall I think she is gorgeous.
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
She's really gorgeous. I didn't even realize she was out. Poor gal, it seems most of us overlooked her.

(05-29-2014, 12:51 AM)vertefae Wrote: Poor gal, it seems most of us overlooked her.
Yes, I think so!
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
I must say that she has adorable eye make up, beautiful colours. I really like her.
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