TWO new girls (my firsts) !
I totally ignored this doll any time I passed her on whatever website. All the fault of the goofy outfit (OK, I'm sorry; I just insulted centuries of culture...). Then she appeared for relatively cheap, I got curious & looked up owner photos, & knew she was to be my first 'big' Pullip. (My friends who brought her over from the States opened the box & must've thought I'd gone loopy... upside down )

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Out of the box!

It took three sizes of scissors, two sizes of tweezers and an HOUR to get all her very tight bits & pieces off, nearly wrecked her little shoes, then cut off all the plastic. Holy cow. Rawr!

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Almost there!
"Get this stuff off me!"

Here she is...

[Image: 14812459074_d1bf5e475d_o.jpg]

While it was soon apparent that fancy gowns are probably not going to be her thing...

[Image: 14814478072_2efbae0a4e_o.jpg]

She does, in fact, do 'cute'.

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My favourite shot of her so far. Too bad I cut off her feet.

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Look how cute she is once her hair is out of her face.
Her wig is a disaster. This attempt to improve it a bit with a curler & some pins was a complete fail.

I can't help wondering what the real Date Masamune would have thought if someone told him that 400 years in the future people would make an anime character of him ("a what?") and then a doll. A GIRL doll. ("a WHAT????!!")
(Really. Look him up.)
History can get pretty skewed.

Next day, Peter Pan arrived.

[Image: 14628120340_16b3605533_o.jpg]
We've all seen the stock photos... nothing new here... but she's mine smile

She was more interested in fluffy gowns smile

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The photo shoot was interrupted.

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They made friends.

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She does 'cute' very well.

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Getting acquainted.

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I think they'll be friends smile

Both of them need names. PP may end up as "Petra" if nothing more original comes to mind. At least something with a "P". Date... I want something 'just right' for her. May take a while.
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Congrats on your first full size girls, they look great smile

Congrats! I like both of these girls a lot. Date is great because she's not your typical sweet Lolita type, like so many of the other Pullips.
Ahh - your first 2 big girls! Congraaats!!! ^-^ Haha, I can't WAIT to see their adventures, they look like they're fitting in nicely already.

I Heart your cat!!!
Pullips: Langley(Asuka), Maddie(Merl), Ophelia(Tiphona), Camille(Kiyomi), Ally(Classical Alice), Roz(Rosalind), Nate(Nosferatu), Eirwen(Snow White), Mariette(Milk Latte), Lily(Puki), Nataleigh(Nanette), Courtney(Reg Fan), Nami(Rei), Fleur(Luna), , Tiberius(Tantus), Petunia (Jouet 2.0),  Vanessa(BRH), Mary(Oui'Vera), Hugo(Gyro), Bella(Chibi Risa), Nicki(NekoMao), Sunny(Raphia), Dorian(Custom), Odette(Isolde), Aisha(Nahh), Lian(China), Maaya(Nina), Haruka(Purezza), Hero(Apollo), Cecily(Sfoglia), Carly(Podo), Suri(Blackberry), Dominique(Shinku), Temperance(Veritas), Clair(Violetta), Bonnie(Hello Kitty), Emily(Si'Anna), September(Fourrure), Natsume(Summer Purezza), Cherami(Akemi), Kate(Paja), Lizzy(Elisabeth), Crissy(Papin), Siegfried(Arion), Andromeda(Ra Muw), Wanda(Hermine), Odile(Adsiltia), Daisy(Leroy), Maggie(RQ), Cissa(Chibi Risa), Sam(Mao), Amelia(Sailor Saturn), Susan(Silane), Nora(Alura), Momo(Youtsuzu), Hanzo(Okita)
I think they will be friends too......and I love the shots with the cat so much too!
Congrats! Date Matasume has a lot of character, and I think Peter Pan is a beauty. I redressed mine also.
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
Congrats on both of them! Can't wait to see more pictures, they look really cute yay
[Image: Untitled_3.png]
Thanks, all smile
I wonder who designed Date's hair. I mean... seriously: ?!???! The idea of trying to tear it off is very scary. But ugh. She NEEDS a different wig. From the wrong angle, it makes her look a bit... well... Chucky. sad
Wish I had more time to play with them right now.
These flowers really are the same colour as her outfit -- I love them. But this short photoshoot was cut shorter due to ant bites!! sad

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hehe, Date has my favorite ever stock wig wink I put it on my Henri. I can see how it may be Chucky-ish, and Date's eyebrows don't help. I honestly have the hardest time photographing her. Even so, she is one of my all time favorite Pullips! Congrats on her and Peter Pan! Welcome to the world of full sized Pullips grin
Currently reading: The Friday Society
I prefer to think of her hair as short and sassy, but now I'll be forever picturing Chucky. That's a pretty interesting moth/butterfly you've got there. It even matches Date's eyes!
Yay on your two big girls! Date really is cute; I never noticed her until the pullip of the year polls and saw owner pics! I love her tank top and shorts ensemble. smile

Peter Pan is cute too. grin
Love the photo with the it a moth?
OoOoOOoooohh a sphinx moth! One of my favorite animals ever! Lucky! *o* What a great shot!
[Image: jb0ILWl.jpg]
Congrats on your new dolls! Both very good choices. The outdoor pic is especially cute smile
congrats Alliecat ! I love Date, I had to have her because she is so different (as CB said) I love her wig but it will not stay out of her eyes and she is not really the hairclip type IMO so she may need a replacement. It will be similar though.
Peter Pan is a doll I never so much as considered until all the owner photos of her rewigged and dressed, she is lovely (and she likes cats, another plus smile )
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred

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